抗HIV药物可能能抑制禽流感病毒 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/03 19:23 国际在线 |
The anti-HIV drugs known as protease inhibitors may be effective against the bird flu virus, according to an Italian researcher. The H5N1 strain of avian flu has devastated poultry flocks in southeast Asia and caused the deaths of 47 people. It is considered a global health threat, because it could mutate into a strain that is easily passed from person to person, people have no immunity to it, and a vaccine would take months to produce. Evidence that protease inhibitors may be of use against H5N1 is indirect, suggested by findings that these agents are effective against a third virus, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus, which has structural similarities to H5N1. In a paper to be published in the Journal of Clinical Virology, Dr. Andrea Savarino of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, discusses how the anti-HIV drug Kaletra -- a combination of two protease inhibitors, ritonavir and lopinavir -- showed potential benefit in treating patients with SARS. This was surprising, since the SARS virus does not produce a protease enzyme resembling that found in HIV. However, Savarino told Reuters Health, computer simulations showed that protease inhibitors did bind to the main SARS protease, dubbed 3CL-pro, and that the sequence of the 3CL-pro was similar to a component of H5N1's protease. "The message I would like to give to the world," he concluded, "is that there is enough evidence to begin testing HIV protease inhibitors against the deadly H5N1 virus." |
抗HIV药物可能能抑制禽流感病毒 |
一位意大利科学家日前表示,被称为蛋白酶抑制剂(Protease inhibitors)的抗艾滋病药物对禽流感病毒可能具有不错的抵抗效果。 据路透社3月1日报道,2004年在亚洲肆虐的H5N1型禽流感造成47人死亡,同时上亿只家禽染病死亡或遭捕杀。因为禽流感病毒可以通过变异在人与人之间传播,人们对病毒又不具备免疫能力,同时疫苗的研发生产需要花费数月时间,所以它被认为是威胁全球人类生命健康的一大敌人。 现在,科学工作者们或许找到了一种可以有效对抗禽流感的新方法。意大利罗马圣心天主教大学的安德里亚-萨瓦里诺博士日前提出,一种被称为蛋白酶抑制剂类药物的抗艾滋病药物可能对抑止禽流感病毒具有不错的效果。 而证明这一结论的证据并非是简单直白,直接了当的,除了涉及到的艾滋病病毒和禽流感病毒之外,还有第3种病毒被卷了进来。这就是曾经让人们闻之色变的萨斯病毒(SARS,严重急性呼吸道综合症,俗称非典型肺炎)。SARS病毒与禽流感H5N1病毒具有相类似的结构。 在一篇即将发表在《临床病毒学》杂志上的文章中,萨瓦里诺博士讨论了一种名为Kaletra的抗艾滋病药物——两种蛋白酶抑制剂(洛匹那韦Lopinavir和利托那韦ritonavir的合成药物)是如何对医治萨斯(SARS)患者具有潜在功效的。 萨瓦里诺博士表示,电脑模拟显示蛋白酶抑制剂可以束缚SARS冠状病毒主要蛋白酶(又称3CL pro),而3CL pro的序列则和H5N1蛋白酶的相类似。他说:“我想告诉大家的是,这里有足够的证据让研究者们开始测试艾滋病病毒蛋白酶抑制剂对致命的H5N1病毒的抵抗作用。”(文/王高山) |