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艾莉西亚金曲:Falling 坠落
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/02 17:57  国际在线


  This bright and accomplished performer, Alicia Keys, was born January 25, 1981, in Manhattan, New York. Alicia began her career at the age of four with a role in the "Wizard of Oz". She is a true musical prodigy whose multi-dimensional gifts emerged at a very early age. Her wit and intelligence are almost too hard to perceive.

  Alicia recognizes a number of influences, including her ultra supportive mother, who told her, "You can quit anything else but you can never give up on your piano lessons". Alicia also sites a teacher at the Professional Performance Arts School in Manhattan, who, while she was majoring in Choir, gave her valuable instruction on her voice.

  Alicia will take modern R&B soul to a whole new level of entertainment and ambition. Highly sought after by record labels, Alicia's celebrity talent has caused old-fashioned bidding wars in her honor. Completing high school at 16, she entered Columbia University, and continued her studies in music, writing and performing. In 1999, Alicia went to work with Cleve Davis at J Records and cut 'Songs in A Minor'. This release sent Alicia to the top of the charts and her star status was confirmed.

  Alicia's soulful sound can be attributed to a variety of natural talents. She is a skilled songwriter, boasts years of expertise as a classically trained pianist, and possesses a powerful set of vocal cords. By combining these talents, she is destined to become a superstar.

  Clearly, at such a young age, a long and ground breaking career looms ahead of her. This is the real deal, a bona fide superstar. This bi-racial beauty has been blessed from above in more ways than one, Alicia is a good looking, talented, sexy woman. Living in New York's inner city influenced by Hip Hoppers like Notorious B.I.G and Jay Z, Alicia's natural talents expanded into a rare mix of hip-hop flavor and insightful and inspiring songwriting.

  Using her amazing vocal power and expertise as a classically trained pianist, Alicia Keys could easily become known as this generation's Roberta Flack. She has captivated audiences from black to white, young and old, old school to new school, and she's just getting started.

  Alicia Keys出生在纽约的黑人聚居区Harlem,身上却流着一半的白人血液。从小Alicia 便由母亲单独抚养长大, 小时候家庭环境并不好,但是打从5岁起,Alicia便展现了过人的音乐天赋。妈妈发现之后,为了要送女儿到邻居家去学弹钢琴, 便加班工作,只为了不想埋没女儿的音乐天份。

  而Alicia对学钢琴表现了极大的兴趣,妈妈回忆说:“Alicia每天就好象黏在钢琴上一样, 不弹个十几个钟头就不肯离开。”随后Alicia又进入曼哈顿表演艺术学校,主修和声, 古典音乐训练可谓相当扎实。 由于在校成绩优异,Alicia十六岁便提早自高中毕业,并获得了哥伦比亚大学的入学许可。

  不久她为自己的将来断然做出一个明智的选择——毅然放弃大学生活, 将全部的精力投入到音乐中。1998年,Alicia签署Arista Records唱片公司, 她强而有力的嗓音和积极兴奋的现场演唱,加上经受专门训练的钢琴表演,终于在众多的新生代歌手中脱颖而出。

  Alicia Keys的人生从此有了大不同。 Cleve Davis曾经成功的将唐妮布蕾斯顿、惠妮休斯顿等人捧上天, 而Alicia则是他最新的秘密武器。Alicia Keys 那种复古的R&B演唱风格给歌迷留下了深刻的印象,这使得她的拥戴者迅速上升,如今已经成为了世界级的歌坛女将。



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