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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/09 14:54  英语辅导报

  1. We are all more similar than we are different. (P80)

  短语more ... than ... 在此意思为“与其说……倒不如说……;甚于……”。例如:

  She is more clever than beautiful. 与其说她漂亮倒不如说她聪明。

  He was more sad than angry when his son lied again. 当他的儿子再次说谎时,他悲伤甚于愤怒。

  另外,短语more than...意思为“超过……;不止……”。例如:

  More than one house was burnt down in the fire. 不止一间房子在火灾中被烧毁。

  2. It seemed that there were as many Asians as there were Canadians. (P81)

  seem 表示“看起来;似乎”,暗示有一定根据的判断,这种判断往往接近事实。It seems (to sb.) that ...意思为“(在某人看来)似乎……;好像……”。例如:

  It seems that the book is too difficult for us. 看起来,这本书对我们来说太难了。


  His uncle seems (to be) a generous person. 他的叔叔看起来是个大方的人。

  The girl seemed kind. 这个女孩似乎很友善。

  It seems like years since we last met.我们似乎好几年没见面了。

  It seems as if it is going to rain. 天好像要下雨了。

  3. ... they treated me like I was just another student. (P81)

  like: conj. 意思是“好像”,“似乎”,后面跟从句。例如:

  When I received the present, I felt like I was the happiest person in the world. 当我收到这份礼物时,我感觉我是世界上最幸福的人。

  另外,like 作连词用时,还有“如同;同样”的意思。例如:

  Do it like I tell you. 照我告诉你的那么做。

  4. Please discuss, debate and argue, if you like, about answers to the questions... (P87)

  argue vt. 表示“争辩;争论;辩论”。常见搭配是:

  argue with sb. about /over sth. 与某人辩论某事。例如:

  Do what you are told and don't argue with me about it. 让你怎么做,你就怎么做,不要再和我争论这件事了。


  They argued that sending people to the moon is a waste of money.他们辩论说把人类送上月球是件浪费钱财的事。


  argue sb. into (doing) sth.


  argue sb. out of (doing) sth. 劝说、说服某人不做某事。


  She argues him into his decision. 她劝说他做出决定。

  The mother argued her son out of going.母亲说服儿子不去了。

  5. In which of these countries would you be most likely to get a hug as a greeting?(P89)

  likely 在此作形容词用,表示“可能的”,其主语可以为人、物或it 。常见句型结构有:主语(人或物)+be likely +动词不定式;It is likely that...。表示“……是有可能的;可能……”。例如:

  She is likely to pass the examination. 她有可能通过考试。

  It is likely that the weather will be fine.可能会天晴。

  注意:形容词probable与 possible也有“可能的”的意思,但这两者的主语只能是it 。例如:

  It is probable that he will come before dusk. 他有可能黄昏前到达。

  It is possible for him to go there. 他有可能去那儿。

  (文/马遵莉; 英语辅导报冀教高一版 04~05学年度第17期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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