柯达推出新医用X光胶片以增加盈利 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/11 18:23 国际在线 |
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Eastman Kodak Co. is rolling out a higher-speed X-ray film that can halve a patient's exposure to radiation without blurring image quality - and might provide a financial cushion as the world's biggest film manufacturer refocuses on digital technology. The Hyper Speed G medical film is the first X-ray film in a generation to offer a 50 percent or better drop in radiation dosage, according to company researchers who also say it lessens the need for retakes. Developed over the last 18 months and tested this winter at children's hospitals in Kentucky and South Carolina, the 800-speed, general-purpose medical film is being shipped this month to hospitals, imaging centers and doctors' offices around the United States and Canada. "The last time a change this significant was made was about 20 years ago when the marketplace converted from a 200-speed system to what has become the standard 400-speed of today," said Eileen Heizyk, manager of the film systems unit in Kodak's health group. "There are certainly health risks with exposure to radiation," she said. "How much and what is the risk is debatable but I think there's universal agreement that less is better." Kodak is betting its future in the digital arena. But its conversion to a world of photography without film could hinge on its ability to stretch out profits from a century-old cash cow that hit a downward trail in 2000. In Kodak's health business, which accounted for $2.7 billion of the company's $13.5 billion in revenues last year, digital products and services grew 11 percent in the fourth quarter while traditional film sales fell 4 percent. |
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柯达推出新医用X光胶片以增加盈利 |
世界上最大的胶卷制造商,美国柯达公司最近推出了一种新型的医用X光胶片,这种胶片可以将患者接触X光辐射的时间减半,同时不会降低片子的清晰度。另外,这种新型的医用X光胶片的推出也可能会给把经营重点转向数码技术的柯达公司提供财政上的支持。 据美联社3月9日报道,据柯达公司的研究人员表示,这种新的医用X光胶片能将辐射量减少50%,甚至更多。同时,它还能减少病人重新拍片的需要。 这种感光度为800(800-speed)的新型医用X光胶片的研发过程长达18个月的时间,它还经过了美国肯塔基州和南卡罗莱纳州各个儿童医院的实际检测。在本月内,它将被送到美国及加拿大的各个医院、成像中心以及医疗机构投入使用。 柯达公司的一位相关负责人艾琳-黑泽克介绍说,人体暴露在X光线下无疑是不利于身体健康的,但是这种不好的影响究竟是什么和它对人体的危害程度都是存在争议的。目前人们可以肯定的是,暴露在X光下的时间越短越好。 目前柯达公司正在向数码领域转型,在这一战略转型的过程中,新产品的推出可能给公司增加新的盈利收入点。去年,柯达公司的总收入达到135亿美元,其中医疗健康部分的收入占到27亿美元。 有分析数据显示,柯达公司目前已经控制了世界上大部分的医用X光胶片市场,新产品的推出可能会进一步巩固柯达公司在该领域的市场份额。(文/朱红隽) |