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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/11 17:25  国际在线


  Jim, Sharon, Caroline and Andrea Corr grew up together with their parents, Jean and Gerry Corr, in Dundalk which is situated in Ireland's beautiful County Louth. The band describes the town as a place where 'everyone knows everyone.' The band grew up surrounded by music, and that is where their love for music began. With their parents playing in a local band, the young Corrs were basically living in a house of music.

  So it was no surprise at all that music was running through the siblings' veins from a very early age. Inspiration and encouragement of their parents led the teenage-music buffs to start their own band. They played out of Jim's room, with the young girls practicing harmonies and what-not on vocals. As Sharron fiddled, Andrea would write lyrics, leaving the keyboarding to Caroline and Jim. The band began to develop a new sound in music, and kept on practicing. They got their big break on an audition for a screenplay of a novel, and all 4 of them were casted. The band began playing tons of live shows all over the town, to get some live experience, in local bars and small clubs.

  The band played their first official show in 1993 at the Whealans Music Bar. The band played a stellar show, and were asked to play a gig in Boston for the 1994 World Cup Celebration. The band accepted, and extended their trip to include a visit to New York City. After their gig in New York the band camped outside the Hit Factory in attempts to meet producer David Foster. The band and Jim Hughes managed to get through security while producing Michael Jackson's latest album, and then Hughes persuaded Foster to meet and listen to the band. He gave the band an audition, and they played their hearts out. It worked, because the producer was very impressed with the talent this band posessed.

  The producer agreed to work on their first full-length album with them. The band signed a record deal the next day, and then spent the next 6 months in Malibu recording the album. Their debut release "Forgiven not Forgotten" was a huge success internationally. The album went platinum eight times in Australia and nine times platinum in Ireland. With an ever-growing fanbase, the band was on their way to stardorm. The band released their second album "Talk on Corners" in 1997, and the album was a huge success globally. The band toured all over the world, and promoted their second release. The band's music has meaning and depth and reflects all that both Ireland and Irish music stand for. We can say that The Corrs are one of the biggest and most-selling international artists of all time.

  尽管可儿家族在国际乐坛上已树立起成功的标志,他们的根依然深植于爱尔兰。生长在爱尔兰边境小镇Dundalk亲情浓厚的家庭中,他们从很小的年纪就开始学习演奏乐器。1990年当Caroline和Andrea还在学校念书时,他们就参与了导演Alan Parker电影《追梦者》的演出。最初他们也固定在都柏林各地表演。1995年他们首度前往美国,在Michael Jackson的选歌会议上接触了唱片生涯中的贵人─知名唱片制作人David Foster,并且主动要求在他面前现场表演。大卫佛斯特对他们的印象非常深刻,很快地就同意为他们的首张专辑《原谅却未遗忘》Forgiven not Forgotten担任制作。

  这张专辑1996年发行,在加拿大、爱尔兰、澳洲、西班牙、新西兰、丹麦等地惊人地拿下多白金唱片成绩,全世界其它国家也几乎全面都有金唱片优异成果。他们的第二张专辑《街角闲谈》Talk on Corners在1997年推出,成为1998年度最畅销的英国专辑。另一方面,他们的前两张专辑更创下相同于甲壳虫乐队的历史纪录,在英国金榜上同时占据第一、二名的位置。《街角闲谈》最后刷新纪录,取得在22个国家拿下多白金唱片,以及在其它少数国家得到金唱片的佳绩。

  第三张专辑《天天天蓝》则是在2000年发行。专辑一面世即迅速地再度创下如同先前专辑一样的白金唱片辉煌成绩。集结了过去这些年在唱片上的成就,可儿家族而后即发行了首张精选辑《可儿最精选》(Best Of The Corrs),收录了历年畅销单曲如So Young、Runaway、Dreams、What Can I Do、Breathless和Give Me A Reason等脍炙人口的佳作。

  现在可儿家族又推出了全新专辑《借来的天堂》(Borrowed Heaven),乐队的主唱Andrea说,“我认为这是我们做的最好的一张专辑,里面涵盖了不可思议多样化的风格和情境,整体来说我真的觉得非常顺畅。”可儿家族合唱团在全球销售已累积超过3千万张唱片,但《借来的天堂》的音乐表现让他们更超越了过去的成就。



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