
新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 国际在线 > 《反分裂国家法》获得高票通过

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/15 11:55  国际在线

  China enacted on Monday a law aimed at preventing Taiwan's secession from the country. It is hailed unanimously as a "powerful legal guarantee for peaceful national reunification" by lawmakers, government leaders and the general public.

  The National People's Congress (NPC), China's legislature, ratified the 10-article Anti-Secession Law by 2,896 pros, no con and 2 abstentions Monday morning as it ended a 9.5-day annual fullsession in the Great Hall of the People in downtown Beijing. Three lawmakers didn't cast their votes.

  The law came into effect right after President Hu Jintao signeda presidential order to promulgate it later in the morning.

  The NPC deputies, many beaming with smiles, applauded for nearly one minute upon the announcement of the vote outcome, broadcast live nationwide through state television, radio and major news websites.

  Top legislator Wu Bangguo hailed the high support rate of the deputies for the law as epitomizing the "common will and strong resolve" of the entire Chinese people.

  The Anti-Secession Law was first put on the legislative agenda of the NPC last December partly in response to the growing calls and proposals for such legislation both at home and overseas in recent years.

  The promulgated law provides for "the nature of the Taiwan issue," the pursuit of national reunification through peaceful means, and the employment of non-peaceful means to check Taiwan's secession from China as the last resort.

  "The Anti-Secession Law has legalized the policy guideline of central authorities on Taiwan, and given full expression to China's consistent position of doing the utmost with maximum sincerity for a peaceful reunification," said Wu, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, adding the law will "have a major practical and far-reaching historical impact".






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