面对利好政策伊朗仍不放弃使用核能 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/14 14:34 国际在线 |
Iran said it was determined to press on with its nuclear programme, snubbing an announcement by the United States that it would offer Tehran incentives to halt sensitive fuel cycle work. The White House abandoned its uncompromising policy on Iran and its feared nuclear programme for the first time in two years yesterday by joining the Europeans in offering to reward Tehran if it halts its most ambitious nuclear project. The US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, was expected last night to announce the major policy shift, the most concrete result yet to emerge from President George Bush's recent fence-mending trip to Europe. Britain, France, and Germany have also agreed to yield to US pressure on punitive action against Iran should diplomacy fail to resolve the dispute. The three European countries, who have been seeking to negotiate an agreement with Iran for 18 months, issued a statement yesterday saying they would join the US in taking the issue to the UN security council if no deal was struck. "We are united in our determination that Iran should not acquire a nuclear weapons capability," the EU troika said, echoing remarks that Mr Bush made while in Europe and signalling that there was now a transatlantic consensus on how to tackle the Iranian problem which is crucial to its success. For the past 18 months the Europeans have been offering trade, security, and political concessions to Iran if it agrees to stop its uranium enrichment programmes. The Iranians, who have frozen the programme, insist they will not abandon it entirely. The dispute has been played out in the halls and corridors of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, where the Iranian row has dominated the quarterly meetings for the past two years. Yesterday's announcements mark a sea change in both European and US policy. The Europeans are now committed to going to the security council if the talks break down. But the Americans are ditching years of hostility, rejection of concessions, and contempt for the Europeans' conciliatory approach. Americans say they will support Iran's aim of joining the World Trade Organisation. The Americans will also no longer block Europe's offer to unlock a frozen EU-Iran trade and economic agreement and the sale of Airbus aircraft to Iran. These, however, are modest concessions, unlikely to get the Iranians to abandon a 20-year-old uranium enrichment project, a process that can create fissile material for warheads. "This is really not an issue of what people should be giving to Iran," Ms Rice said on Thursday in Washington. "This is an issue of keeping the spotlight on Iran." On Thursday, Mani Shankar Aiyar, the Indian oil minister, said Washington was pressing hard for delays on a $4bn (?2.1bn) gas pipeline project with Iran. He said the US ambassador to India, David Mulford, had expressed concerns, but added that India still believed the deal could go ahead. Diplomats do not expect any real movement from the Iranians until after the presidential elections in the autumn. |
面对利好政策伊朗仍不放弃使用核能 |
伊朗3月12日明确表示,该国将继续进行浓缩铀项目。尽管美国和欧盟日前为解决伊朗核问题而抛出了一些“利好政策”,但伊朗仍然态度强硬地表示,绝不放弃使用核能的合法权利。 据法新社3月12日报道,伊朗外交部发言人阿塞菲当日发表声明说:“伊朗伊斯兰共和国已决定以和平目的利用原子能技术。任何施压、贿赂和威胁手段都不可能让伊朗放弃使用核能的合法权利。” 报道说,美国11日宣布,将改变处理伊朗核问题的策略,除了不再反对伊朗加入世贸组织,并同意向伊朗民航飞机提供急需的零部件。这一宣布堪称布什政府对伊朗立场的重大转变。 布什表示,美国在伊朗政策上的“软化”是为了联合英、法、德3国共同说服伊朗与欧洲国家谈判,接受国际原子能机构的核查标准。 对此,阿塞菲指出:“一些过错的弥补或是一些无端施加的限制和制约,都不会阻挡伊朗获得使用核能的合法权利。”他还说:“对于非军用飞机零部件的贸易,从一开始就不应该被禁止,所以,再次放宽限制对伊朗来说没有任何激励作用;而加入世贸组织,是世界任何一个国家的合法权利,但美国却说要放宽对我们加入世贸的限制。”同时,阿塞菲还抱怨了布什向伊朗施加的经济压力。 欧盟与伊朗第4轮核会谈11日在日内瓦结束,但没有取得任何进展。代表欧盟参与会谈的英、法、德3国要求伊朗永久停止浓缩铀项目,而伊朗方面则坚持不放弃使用核能的合法权利,谈判陷入尴尬的僵局。 会谈中,欧洲3国要求伊朗放弃浓缩铀项目,作为其不研制核武器的“客观保证”。在此前提下,伊朗将得到贸易、安全和技术方面的补偿。欧洲3国声称:“我们一致认为伊朗不应该拥有制造核武器的能力”。对此,伊朗方面表示难以接受。伊朗著名宗教领袖穆罕默德·埃马米·卡沙尼义愤填膺地说:“西方说他们害怕看到伊朗拥有核武器,这是谎话。他们真实的目的是想剥夺伊朗享有核技术的权利。” 欧洲3国还表示,如果伊朗继续中止一切浓缩铀的活动,并且与国际原子能机构全面合作,那么,伊朗核问题就可以在国际原子能机构范围内解决。否则,欧盟就将支持美国的想法,将伊朗核问题提交给联合国安理会处理。 欧盟在与伊朗进行谈判的同时,也与美国就伊朗核问题进行了长达数周的磋商,相互做出让步。欧盟答应,在核会谈失败后,将支持美国将伊朗核问题提交给联合国安理会。这是欧盟首次就惩罚伊朗政府做出明确表态,为美欧双方最终达成共识扫清了障碍。作为回应,美国国务卿赖斯11日宣布,不再反对伊朗申请加入世界贸易组织,并将考虑在逐案审议的基础上允许欧盟等向伊朗出售民航飞机的零配件。 美国缘何一改今年以来向伊朗的强硬立场而伸出橄榄枝?“伊拉克模式”已使美国心有余悸。再发动一场战争,美国的人力、物力和财力将难以为继。另外,伊拉克战争使美国众叛亲离。如今,美国把欧盟推上解决伊朗核问题的第一线,既修复了美欧关系,又可以解决伊朗核问题,可谓一举两得。同时,美国意在向国际社会表示,在处理国际纠纷时,甚至在对付所谓“邪恶国家”方面,美国并不是一味单边主义。(文/蒋黎黎) |