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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/20 15:30  国际在线




  然而,塞缪尔大学毕业后,把未婚妻苏珊娜带回了家里。随着第一次世界大战的爆发,平静的生活被打破了... ...

  Set in the Rocky Mountains of Montana in the early 1900s, this is a tale of love, betrayal, and brotherhood. After being discharged, Colonel Ludlow decides to raise his three sons in the wilds of Montana, where they can grow up away from the government and society he has learned to dispise. The three brothers mature and seem to have an unbreakable bond, until Susanna enters their lives. When Samuel, the youngest of the three, returns from college he brings with him his beautiful fiance, Susanna. The eldest son, Alfred, soon finds himself in love with his brother's fiance, and things get worse when he discovers a growing passion between Susanna and Tristan. Colonel Ludlow's favorite son, Tristan is willful and as wild as the mountains. As the brothers set out to fight a war in Europe, suspicion and jelousy threatens to tear apart their once indestructable bond.


《燃情岁月》The Legends of Fall片段
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  Father: There came a low hiss, a horrid cold sound that made Rikki Tikki Tavi jump back two clear feet. Then inch by inch out of the grass...rose up the head and spread the hood of Nag...the big black cobra. I can read another story, Samuel.

  Samuel: The Germans broke through at Armentiers.

  Alfred: What?

  Samuel: The entire British third course were trapped in the Belgian lowlands. And this paper is already a week old!

  Father: Calm Down!

  Samuel: Father, with my fluent German I could become an officer.

  Father: And lead other boys to the slaughter and be slaughtered yourself.

  Samuel: The men who served under you worshipped you.

  Father: And they were damn fools! All of them, weren't they?

  Samuel: This is a turning point in the history of the world. How, how can we...?

  Father: How can we what?

  Alfred: How can we not be part of this. You taught us...

  Father: I taught you to think for yourselves, that's what I taught you.

  Samuel: And to defend what's ours.

  Father: Yes, what's ours? What's ours?

  Alfred: We've already lost two of our cousins.

  Father: And I've never even met them. Don't talk to me, boys, as if I've never seen a war!

  Samuel: Not a war like this, father.

  Father: They said that about the war of secession and the Indian wars. They say it to sell newspapers.

  Samuel:These are not Indian wars! We're fighting agaisnt naked aggression!

  Father: There would be no more talk about wars in this house! Damn it! I'm sorry, Susannah.

  Sameul: I'm going to Canada to enlist.

  Alfred: I'm going with him.

  Samuel: I'm sorry, my love. I mean to tell you about it tonight. I know you'll understand. It's the only honorable thing to do.


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