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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/18 17:03  国际在线


  Darius has a voice so good it almost became a national obsession. And he does a mean hip shake that would put Tom Jones to shame.

  It's been a long time coming though - and we're not talking about the last eighteen months. Born in Glasgow and named after a Persian king (his dad's from Persia), Darius' parents spotted his star potential from an early age.

  Yet something was still missing. Brought up on the sounds of The Beatles, George Michael, Alanis Morisette and Seal, Darius was around 9 when he noticed the striking combination of a lone voice and acoustic guitar on More Than Words by Extreme on the radio. He promised to do the chores round the house for the rest of the year if his mom would buy him a guitar. She succumbed. By Christmas that year, Darius could play More Than Words himself. Soon after, he wrote his first song. 'It was a Valentines present to this girl,' he cringes. 'It was a silly love song and I never got the girl either. So my songwriting was obviously up to no good back then!'

  He wasn't deterred though and continued writing songs. Then while performing Carmen in Covent Garden with the Scottish opera, Darius realised his future lay in front of an audience. Encouraged by his favourite videos of Madonna and Michael Jackson, Darius chose to pursue his dream regardless. At 16 he started and fronted a band called Jade at school but it all came to nothing when university beckoned and Darius moved to Edinburgh to study English Literature.

  Unbeknown to Darius, he had been taken to the auditions for a new TV programme that would eventually be named Popstars. He turned up with his guitar, only to be told no instruments would be allowed. He believed it was a solo audition, but of course the judges were actually trying to find a band. Still, he went along with it, had fun during the process and was a touch disillusioned to be asked to leave in the final stages of the competition. Putting the whole thing down to experience, Darius went back to his course at Edinburgh and thought no more about it.

  Then six months later, Popstars hit the TV screens in January and suddenly on the front of every newspaper, Darius was offered various major label deals until his lecturers stepped in and told him in no uncertain terms that leaving his oversubscribed course abruptly would mean wrecking his university career. Everyone involved agreed he should finish his third year and then take time of to pursue his music career. By that time, the labels had lost interest and the deal was off. Darius learnt the hard way that four months is a long time in pop.

  Darius released his debut single Colorblind in August 2002, the song got a lot of airplay on both radio and TV stations all over the country. The song was set to be a smash hit! That is exactly what it did, the single went straight in at number 1 in the UK singles charts.

  Thanks to severe nagging from his six year old brother, got rid of his goatee and long hair. A friend passed Colorblind onto legendary U2 producer and now one of the MD's of Mercury Records, Steve Lillywhite, and the pair had dinner. Darius eventually signed on the dotted line at Mercury in early May and is currently spending many sleepless nights writing his debut album. It will be inspired by the great choruses and unforgettable melodies he was brought up on, driven by the passion, bewilderment, frustration and sheer unexpectedness of the last few months.

  Understandably impatient now to let the world hear his music and finally have people judge him on the strength of his songs, Darius has learnt that fame might come easy, but creative fulfillment is worth holding out for. That's what makes this year's idol, tomorrow's true star.

  来自苏格兰的年轻创作歌手达利斯 Darius 很早就展现了他对流行音乐的热情。他也热爱歌词创作,所以他选择进入爱丁堡大学主修英国文学,记忆力超好的他回想起在大二那年,他决定要小试身手,他参加了竞争激烈的全英国新星选秀大赛《Popstar》与《Pop Idol》,他回想起当时他参加选秀试镜时演唱的还是小甜甜布兰妮的歌曲,这段记忆让他终生难忘。

  不愿只当一位“偶像歌手”的达利斯,在比赛后婉拒了数百万英镑唱片合约,只因为他想要坚持自己的创作理念,他决定回到学校进修。在这之后,他选择与他心中的音乐制作人偶像Steve Lillywhite合作,也是因为当初他的坚持,这张白金专辑《潜力无穷》Dive In才能诞生。

  他的首支单曲 Colorblind 在英国金榜勇夺冠军,达利斯现在可以很骄傲的说他已经在超过一百万人次的英国观众面前现场演唱过这首畅销单曲,并且根据统计,达利斯的这首冠军单曲同时也是英国最多人下载的手机铃声。虽然现在人气急升的Darius绯闻不断,但是他告诉自己成功来得快去得也快,如果不努力很快就会被乐迷所遗忘,所以他继续坚持他自己的创作路线,并为自己立下了在30岁前有一张双白金唱片的目标,而现在他只有22岁,看来离目标不远了!



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