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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/18 17:03  国际在线




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  Colorblind 色盲

  Feelin' 1)blue, 感觉很郁闷,

  While I'm trying to forget the feeling that I miss you 我试着忘记想你的感觉。

  Feelin' 2)green, 妒火中烧,

  When the jealousy swells 嫉妒不断膨胀,

  And it won't go away in dreams 甚至在梦中这种感觉还很真实。

  Feelin' 3)yellow, 感觉很害怕,

  I'm confused inside a little hazy but 4)mellow 有点困惑但是却很开心。

  When I feel 5)your eyes on me 当我感觉你在看着我的时候,

  6)Feelin' fine! 感觉是那么美好!

  7)Sublime! 当我想起你的微笑,

  When that smile of yours creeps into my mind 我义无反顾。

  Nobody told me you'd feel so good 没有人告诉过我你让我感觉那么好,

  Nobody said you'd be so beautiful 没有人说过你是那么的美丽,

  Nobody 8)warned me about your smile 没有人警告过我你的微笑的杀伤力。

  You're the light, you're the light 你就像那光芒,

  When I close my eyes 当我闭上眼睛,

  I'm 9)colorblind 我目眩神迷,

  You make me colorblind 你让我目眩神迷,

  Feelin' 10)red, 我很生气

  When you spend all your time with your friends 你总是跟你的朋友在一起,

  And not me 11)instead 而把我晾在一旁。

  Feelin' 12)black, 我很忧伤

  When I think about all the things that I feel I lack 当我觉得我并不完美。

  Feelin' 13)jaded, 我很累,

  When it's not gone right all the colors have faded 一切都不对劲,生活失去了所有色彩。

  Then I feel your eyes on me 我感觉你在看着我

  Feelin' fine! 感觉是那么美好!

  Sublime! 当我想起你的微笑,

  When that smile of yours creeps into my mind 我义无反顾。

  Nobody told me you'd feel so good 没有人告诉过我你让我感觉那么好,

  Nobody said you'd be so beautiful 没有人说过你是那么的美丽,

  Nobody warned me about your smile 没有人警告过我你的微笑的杀伤力。

  You're the light, you're the light 你就像那光芒,

  When I close my eyes 当我闭上眼睛,

  I'm colorblind 我目眩神迷,

  You make me colorblind 你让我目眩神迷,

  14)Blinded by the light you shine, 你的光彩让我眼花缭乱,

  The colors fade completely 所有的色彩都黯然失色。

  Blinded by you every time, 每次在你面前我都失去了理智,

  I feel your smile 15)defeat me 就这样被你的微笑征服。

  I'm colorblind 我目眩神迷,

  I just can't deny this feeling 我就是无法抵挡这种感觉。

  Nobody told me you'd feel so good 没有人告诉过我你让我感觉那么好,

  Nobody said you'd be so beautiful 没有人说过你是那么的美丽,

  Nobody warned me about your smile 没有人警告过我你的微笑的杀伤力。

  You're the light, you're the light 你就像那光芒,

  When I close my eyes 当我闭上眼睛,

  I'm colorblind 我目眩神迷,

  You make me colorblind 你让我目眩神迷,



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