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The Importance of Using Scratch Paper
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/25 14:07  英语辅导报


  Key Point

  Scratch paper (便签) gives you the freedom to explore, question, organize and think.

  Do you use scratch paper?

  If not, then you're working with a handicap (障碍). Scratch paper is an important tool for learning and thinking. For example, ask any math or science teacher, how many times they have heard this complaint.

  “I just can't do this problem”, said the student.

  “Can I see what you've done, what you've written down?” asked the teacher.

  “Well, I haven't written anything down. I don't know where to start. ”

  The right answer syndrome (综合病症).

  A study of physics students working homework problems showed that 40% don't like to write anything down unless they are sure it's right. Textbooks, teachers, workbooks and tests all promote (助长) the right answer syndrome.

  Textbooks are logical, organized and certain; there are no scribbles (乱写) or erasures in a book. Teachers stress facts, theories and examples; there is little doubt or uncertainty.

  Workbooks and tests check for knowledge; there is no room for creativity and exploration.

  Many people don't realize that behind every right answer lie doubts and questions scribbled on scratch paper.

  When to use scratch paper.

  To improve learning.

  Active learning involves the reorganization of concepts (想法) and associations (联系). Use scratch paper to explore relationships, ask questions and to organize your understanding of concepts and ideas. Use regular paper to surmmarize.

  While doing word problems.

  The most neglected steps in problem-solving are problem set-up (结构) and exploration. Use scratch paper to restructure the problem in your own words, to sketch (草拟) what is happening, to emphasize qualitative (定性的) thinking, to explore solutions and to make mistakes. Use regular paper to show the right answer.

  When taking tests.

  For essay tests (申论方式测验), use scratch paper to organize before writing. For problem-solving and multiple choice tests, use scratch paper to try out ideas. If you are bulging with information, use scratch paper to outline major points before starting the test.

  To write papers.

  Use 3×5 cards or scratch paper to arrange and organize ideas before writing.

  To create new ideas and solve problems.

  Use scratch paper to help visualize and to free the mind to find new associations.

  Use regular paper for right answers and scratch paper to think.

  Work like a professional. Use scratch paper to help you explore, question, organize and think. Use regular paper to present ideas to the outside world.

  (文/孙凤喜 供稿; 英语辅导报高一版 04~05学年度第22期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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