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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/25 16:57  国际在线


  1. 卡梅隆-迪亚茨可能会是高清晰度电视最大的受害者,因为她那张从青春期开始就布满粉刺的脸实在难逃高清晰度电视的眼睛。

  Cameron Diaz, who has suffered from acne since she was a teenager, could become the biggest casualty of high-definition TV. The actress has topped a list of celebrities whose flaws cannot be concealed by the harsh lens which is six times clearer than normal television.

  2. 不光是女明星们,就连迈克尔-道格拉斯也难逃高清晰度电视的“皮肤打假”。道格拉斯曾说,他站在妻子凯瑟琳-泽塔琼斯的身边会显得有些老。但他想不到,在高清晰度电视里,泽塔琼斯显得越发迷人,而他被衬得更加衰老。

  OnHD.TV, which has listed the Hollywood beauties most likely to suffer by the new technology, has placed Michael Douglas a close second. The guide says he looks even older when standing next to his wife, Catherine Zeta Jones, who is expected to appear even more beautiful under the lens.

  3. 许多人认为,小甜甜布兰妮在高清晰度电视上像是老了10岁。有人惊叹道:“她的脸是肿的,她嘴唇旁边还有皱纹!”被报道一天能抽两包香烟的布兰妮,在高清晰度电视里尽显出她皮肤的过早衰老。

  Reportedly looks ten years older on HDTV. ''Her face is puffy and she's starting to show wrinkle marks around her lips, reportedly from a two pack-a-day cigarette habit''

  4. 令无数女影迷难以置信的是,她们心中的性感男士布拉德-皮特的皮肤也是那样让人失望。皮特说:“我原本坑坑洼洼的脸部皮肤,在高清晰度电视上怎么也掩盖不了的,这都要怪青春期时长过好多痘痘。”

  It's hard to believe that Brad Pitt has flaws, but the Hollywood heart throb is expected to come off second best on HDTV. The guide says that skin problems he suffered in his teens will be hard to hide under the new technology.

  5. 毫无疑问,无论是在照片上或是音乐电视里,现今流行乐坛最有才华的女歌手珠儿都是那样的光鲜动人。但在高清晰度电视里,珠儿粗糙的脸部皮肤实在让人不敢恭维。

  HDTV says that singer Jewel may look great in still photos and music videos, but she looks terrible in high-def.

  6. 美国广播公司(ABC)的著名节目主持人比尔-马赫尔在高清晰度电视上显得有些“惊惶失措”,因为他的脸色看起来十分苍白,像个白化病患者。

  HDTV says that Bill Maher, the comedian, is ''scary'' in high-def. ''His skin is pasty and white, making him look like an Albino. Make that an Albino who doesn't get much sleep.'' William Devane, who plays Secretary of State James Heller in Fox's 24, also looks ''like hell''.

  7. 好莱坞最富盛名的“恐怖片女王”杰米-李-柯蒂斯更是高清晰度电视的受害者。有观众说:“老天,她看起来真像个男人!”

  HDTV is also unforgiving about Jamie Lee-Curtis, arguing that she ''looks like a guy'' in high-def.

  8. 在高清晰度电视里,历经数次整容的名嘴琼-里弗斯还是成不了人造美女。

  Despite several plastic surgery procedures, red carpet host Joan Rivers won't escape the pitfalls of HDTV……(文/蒋黎黎)


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