闹钟会跑会藏 叫你乖乖起床(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/24 17:18 国际在线 |
Can't get out of bed in the morning? Scientists at MIT's Media Lab in the United States have invented an alarm clock called Clocky to make even the doziest sleepers, who repeatedly hit the snooze button, leap out of bed. After the snooze button is pressed, the clock, which is equipped with a set of wheels, rolls off the table to another part of the room. "When the alarm sounds again, simply finding Clocky ought to be strenuous enough to prevent even the doziest owner from going back to sleep," New Scientist said on Tuesday. |
闹钟会跑会藏 叫你乖乖起床(图) |
早晨你经常赖在床上不肯起来吗,甚至连头天晚上定好的闹钟也拿你没办法?日前,美国科学家针对这些超级嗜睡的人发明了一种新型闹钟。有了这种闹钟,甚至连最想睡懒觉的人都会乖乖地起床。 据路透社3月22日报道,这种新型闹钟名叫“Clocky”,是由美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室(MIT's Media Lab)的科学家们发明创造出来的。 早晨喜欢赖床的人通常会在闹钟响后,一次次地按下闹钟按钮,然后继续睡觉。而这种办法在“Clocky”身上显然行不通,当人们按下“Clocky”的按钮时,这个装有一组轮子的新型闹钟就会从桌子上“跑”到地上,并且“藏”到屋子的其它地方去,而且“Clocky”每天都会找一个新的地方充当自己的“藏身之地”。当闹钟铃声再次响起的时候,即使是再想睡觉的人也不得不从床上爬起来了。(文/王高山) |