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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/28 13:23  英语辅导报


  一、 Giving Compliments 赞美

  Friends often compliment one another on clothes, especially if the clothes are new.

  1. A: What a beautiful sweater!

  B: Do you think it looks good on me?

  A: Yes, and it goes beautifully with your pants.

  B: You won't believe it, but it was really cheap.

  A: I wish I could find one just like it.

  2. A: I like your new coat.

  B: Do you think it fits OK?

  A: Yes. It looks terrific!

  B: I bought it at half price.

  A: You were lucky to find it.

  3. A: That's a very nice jacket.

  B: Does it really look OK?

  A: Yes, and I like the color too. It matches your hat.

  B: And I got it on sale.

  A: That's incredible!

  4. A: I love that shirt.

  B: Do you really like it?

  A: Yes, it fits perfectly.

  B: It wasn't very expensive either.

  A: That's amazing!It looks expensive.

  二、Asking for Change 换零钱

  It is sometimes difficult to get change without buying something, so it's a good idea to carry change with you at all time. If you need change, you can buy something inexpensive like candy or a newspaper and ask for the coins you need.

  1. A: Excuse me, but could you give me some change?

  B: Let me see. Are pence OK?

  A: I want to make a phone call.

  B: Then you'll need small change.

  2. A: Sorry to bother you, but do you have change for one pound?

  B: I'll have to look. What do you want it for?

  A: I need it for the parking meter.

  B: I can give you pence, if that'll help.

  3. A: Pardon me, but I was wondering if you could break one pound.

  B: Let me look. What do you need?

  A: I need the change for the stamp machine.

  B: I think pence will do.

  4. A: Excuse me, could you give me change for one pound?

  B: I'll see what I have. What do you need it for?

  A: I want to get cigarettes.

  B: You can use pence.

  (文/张梦华; 英语辅导报高二版 04~05学年度第21期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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