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初中英语课外辅导:Unit 16 疑难解析
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/30 12:41  英语辅导报

  1. If you knock into someone by mistake, say “Excuse me ” or “ I’m sorry ”. 如果你误撞到某人,请说“对不起”或“很抱歉”。

  knock into sb. 表示“撞在某人身上”。例如:

  She was in such a hurry and knocked into her teacher. 她太着急了,撞在了老师身上。

  knock... into... 还可以表示“把……敲进……”。例如:

  The worker knocked a long strong stick into the earth. 那个工人把一根又长又粗的木棍敲进土壤里。

  与knock搭配的短语还有:knock out打败;knock off (口语)停止 (工作);knock up (英口语)敲门叫 (人)起床;knock down (车等) 撞倒 (人);knock in敲进(钉子)等。

  by mistake表示“误会;错误地”,由于疏忽、健忘所致。例如:

  I'm sorry I took your umbrella by mistake yesterday. 对不起,我昨天错拿了你的雨伞。

  2. When speaking to an old person, stay on your feet. 与年长的人讲话时,要保持站立。

  stay on one's feet意为“站着”,表示状态。例如:

  She felt tired after staying on her feet for nearly an hour. 站了将近一小时后,她感觉累了。


  It's also bad manners to stay silent if your teacher asks a question. 如果你的老师提出问题,你不出声,也是不礼貌的。

  stay silent表示“不声不响;保持安静”,同义短语为“keep quiet”。stay在这里是系动词。

  与stay搭配的短语还有:stay out在外留宿;stay up熬夜,通宵不睡; stay in留在家里,不外出

  “When speaking to an old person... ”中省略了you are,这是因为在从属连词when,while,as,if,unless,though / although等引导的状语从句中的主语与主句的主语相同,从句中的主语与be可以省略。例如:

  While(he was)doing so, he felt harder and harder. 在做的过程中,他感觉到越来越难。

  They visited several places when(they were)travelling last year. 去年他们旅行时,游玩了好多地方。

  3. For example, in Britain or America it is not polite to ask people how much money they make in their jobs. 比如说,在英国或美国询问别人的收入是不礼貌的。

  good manners / polite of sb. to do sth.

  bad manners / impolite of sb. to do sth.


  It was polite of him to give his seat to an old man on the bus. 他在公共汽车上把座位让给老年人是有礼貌的。

  It's bad manners of people to talk loudly in public. 人们在公众场合大声谈话是不礼貌的。

  It's impolite of young people to quarrel with the old. 年轻人与老人争吵是不礼貌的。

  4. This may not be common in China, but is good manners in Britain or America. 这在中国不常见,但在英国或美国是好的习惯。


  A dog is one of the commonest pets in families. 狗是最常见的家庭宠物。

  A great interest in music was common to them. 他们对音乐有着共同的兴趣。

  The new project is for the common good. 这项新的工程是为了公众利益。



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