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奥地利神秘之湖 探寻二战纳粹财宝
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/08 18:59  国际在线

  It has inspired numerous expeditions, several mysterious deaths and plenty of books. But 60 years after Nazi officers hid metal boxes in the depths of Lake Toplitz, a new attempt is being made to recover the Third Reich's fabled lost gold.

  The Austrian government has given a US team permission to make an underwater expedition to the log-infested bottom of the lake.

  Treasure hunters have been flocking to Lake Toplitz ever since a group of diehard Nazis retreated to this picturesque part of the Austrian Alps in the final months of the second world war.

  With US troops closing in and Germany on the brink of collapse, they transported the boxes to the edge of the lake, first by military vehicle and then by horse-drawn wagon, and sunk them.

  Nobody knows exactly what was inside. Some believe they contained gold looted by German troops throughout Europe and carried back to Germany. Others that they contain documents showing where assets confiscated from Jewish victims were hidden in Swiss bank accounts.

  The state company which controls the lake, Bundesforste AG, has signed a contract with Norman Scott, an American treasure hunter, who hopes to solve the mystery.

  Later this month Mr Scott will begin a detailed underwater survey of the 107 metre (350ft) deep lake, though there is profound official scepticism that there is anything left to find.

  "I really don't know if there is anything down there, but we want to resolve the mystery once and for all," Irwin Klissenbauer, a director of Bundesforste AG, told the Guardian yesterday.

  "The aim at first is to measure the lake."

  He added: "This is a beautiful area. You have heard of Loch Ness. For Austrians this has been a bit like Loch Ness. Lots of people come here. And whether there is gold down there or not, the mystery has been very good for tourism."

  Mr Klissenbauer said that under the terms of the deal - which allows the US team to dive for the next three years - any treasure found will be divided between the Americans and the Austrian state.

  "Obviously if they recover anything which has an identifiable owner, under Austrian law we have to give it back."

  This is not the first time explorers have tried to retrieve the lake's legendary lost gold.

  In 1947 a US navy diver became entangled in Lake Toplitz's many submerged logs and drowned.

  Then in 1959 a team financed by the German magazine Stern had more luck, retrieving ?72m in forged sterling currency hidden in boxes, and a printing press.

奥地利神秘之湖 探寻二战纳粹财宝



  美国人诺曼·斯科特希望解开这个谜,日前,管辖托普利茨湖的奥地利国有公司Bundesforste AG已经和斯科特签署了一项合同。4月末,斯科特就将开始在这个水深107米的湖里进行仔细搜索。虽然奥地利官方对于是否真有金子表示怀疑。Bundesforste AG公司的一名负责人欧文·克利森鲍尔说:“我怀疑那儿(湖底)是否真有什么东西,但我们希望彻底解决这个谜团。”他还说:“这是个美丽的地方。不管这是否有金子,这个神秘的事情对于游客都是有吸引力的。”









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