坦桑尼亚警方逮捕两名人皮贩子 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/16 16:50 国际在线 |
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Tanzanian police arrested two men accused of killing a 9-year-old boy and selling his skin for 20,000 shillings ($18) to make sorcerers' get-rich-quick charms, a senior officer said Friday. Police said they arrested Martin Kalunga, 25, and his associate Nico Benson, 31, in Lilwa village in southern Tanzania Tuesday after neighbors overheard Benson accusing Kalunga of plotting with their buyer to skin him as well. The identity of the buyer was unclear. "The two were arrested after they had a loud quarrel, because Benson suspected Martin of colluding with their buyer to skin him," Suleiman Kova, police commander for the southern Mbeya region, told Reuters. "During interrogation, Martin confessed that they were both skinners and that they had skinned a boy in Mbozi six months ago. They then threw his body into the river Jianga," Kova said. "These cases are few but are very shocking," he said. Kova said police expected to charge the pair once they had completed investigations into the identity of the victim, whose remains have not been found. He said he was not aware of any report of a missing child that would match the description given by the suspects, but police were still making inquiries. Human skins are used by witch doctors to make charms or potions designed to make their users rich, especially in southern Tanzania, renowned as a center for traditional sorcery. Police say the once rampant practice has decreased significantly in recent years due to tougher action by the authorities, describing this as the first suspected skinning case in southern Tanzania since April 2004. Kova said there were three reported cases of skinning in 2003 and 14 suspects have been arrested since April last year in relation to various skinning cases, although providing evidence of skin removal is often difficult. |
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坦桑尼亚警方逮捕两名人皮贩子 |
坦桑尼亚警方的一名高官5月13日表示,他们逮捕了两名涉嫌杀害一名9岁男童,并将其表皮以低价出售的人皮贩子。这两名犯罪嫌疑人以18美元的价格将这名男童的皮出售,作为巫师制作魔法药剂的材料。 据路透社5月13日报道,坦桑尼亚警方表示,他们于10日在坦桑尼亚南部村庄逮捕了现年25的马丁-卡伦加和31岁的尼可-贝森。贝森的邻居在无意中偷听到,贝森指责卡伦加和其买主密谋,要如法炮制,将贝森的皮也剥下来。 当地警方告诉记者说:“这两名嫌疑犯是在大吵了一架后被警方逮捕的,因为贝森怀疑马丁和买主密谋,要把自己的皮也剥下来”。警方同时表示,虽然这种案件非常少见,但是确实让人触目惊心。 在审讯过程中,马丁承认了他们的犯罪事实,并交代说在6个月之前,他们曾杀害了一名小男孩,将他的皮剥下后,把他的尸体扔到了河中。 目前,这起案件仍在调查中,警方还不知道这桩肮脏交易中买主的身份。另外,遇难男孩的尸体也尚未找到,其身份也有待确认。 警方还表示,由于当地政府采取了严厉措施,这种曾经十分猖獗的违法行为在最近几年得到了明显减少。 这起案件是自2004年4月以来,在坦桑尼亚南部地区发现的首起此类案件。 报道说,在坦桑尼亚南部地区,人皮通常被巫医们当成一种使人发财致富的魔法药剂的制作材料。因此,人皮贩子即充当起了向这些人提供原料的卑鄙角色。(文/王高山) |
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