帕斯卡尔出任世贸易组织新总干事 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/16 16:58 国际在线 |
The Frenchman Pascal Lamy was poised last night to become director general of the World Trade Organisation after he won the final round of polling among the organisation's member countries. He will take over at a crucial time, as the WTO tries to rediscover lost momentum in its drive to secure a new deal on freer world trade in talks known as the Doha round. The 58-year-old former European Union trade commissioner had long been favourite to take over from Thailand's Supachai Panitchpakdi in August but yesterday his only remaining rival, Carlos Perez del Castillo of Uruguay, pulled out after he received less support in the final poll than Mr Lamy. Mr Lamy, who has been working for a thinktank in Paris since finishing at the European commission last year, was travelling yesterday and aides said he would not comment until the official announcement on May 26. His appointment is the outcome of three rounds of consultations over two months among the 148 members of the WTO. Candidates from Mauritius and Brazil had dropped out after previous rounds, leaving only Mr Lamy and Mr Perez del Castillo going into this week's round. Charities welcomed the announcement. Phil Bloomer, head of Oxfam's Make Trade Fair campaign, urged the new WTO chief to provide leadership and direction to ensure a successful outcome of the Doha round, which has the potential to lift millions of the world's poor out of poverty. "Oxfam looks forward to working with Pascal Lamy to make global trade work for the poor," he said. Mr Lamy earned the respect of many developing countries during his time at the European commission by calling for the rich world to dismantle trade barriers to allow greater access to their markets without obliging poor countries to lower theirs at the same pace. |
帕斯卡尔出任世贸易组织新总干事 |
前欧盟贸易委员帕斯卡尔-拉米13日被确定为下任WTO(世界贸易组织)总干事,以接替将于8月31日卸任的素帕猜。 据英国《卫报》5月14日报道,法国人拉米在WTO总干事选举中始终保持领先优势,最终在同乌拉圭前驻WTO大使卡罗斯-卡斯蒂略的角逐中胜出,成为WTO新掌门人。面对日趋复杂的世贸情况,困境重重的WTO现状,僵持不下的多哈回合贸易谈判,拉米的上任实为临危受命、任重道远。 于去年结束在欧盟的任职后,拉米一直效力于巴黎的一家政策分析组织。拉米日前已外出旅游,其助手表示,在官方26日正式宣布选举结果以前,拉米不会发表任何评论。 在长达两个月、由148名候选人组成的WTO总干事选举中,拉米在12日结束的第3轮选举磋商中最终胜出。 WTO总干事任期通常为4年,但由于在1999年的上届选举中成员间分歧严重,最终代表发达国家的新西兰前总理穆尔和代表发展中国家的泰国前副总理素帕猜共同当选,并相继任职3年。 此次竞选的激烈程度绝不亚于6年之前的那场逐鹿。4位候选人均非等闲之辈,再加上发展中成员与发达成员在目前的多哈回合贸易谈判中僵持不下,因此这场角逐被认为是一场“热战”。在选举后期所剩的4位候选人中,巴西驻WTO大使科雷亚、毛里求斯现任外交和贸易部长库塔里分别在前两轮角逐中失利,黯然退出了竞选。仅剩下拉米和乌拉圭前驻世贸组织大使卡斯蒂略,使得选举一度呈现白热化。 而拉米还是笑到了最后。他不仅得到欧盟25个成员国的支持,还赢得了包括美国在内的所有发达国家的支持。同时,在任职欧盟贸易委员期间,拉米因主张发达国家消除贸易壁垒、放宽对发展中国家的市场,而得到发展中国家的广泛称赞。一些发展中国家甚至表示,正因为拉米来自发达国家,所以比其他候选人更有利于促成多哈回合贸易谈判的成功。(文/蒋黎黎) |
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