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A girl’s dream
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/30 16:07  北外网院



  In a sunny day, a beautiful bird was singing,

  A mother suffering happily and a father worrying dead,

  Till a little baby was born, and brightly crying.

  Under the care of parents, lying in pink bed,

  She had lovely face, and fair skin like snow,

  Eyes were shining like pearls while turning head.

  White teeth with red lips, black hair on brow,

  Dancing her hands, sound of baby speaking until

  Mom held her in the arms light and slow.

  In stranger’s eye, her life had roses to fill,

  In parents’ eye, she was an angle in the air,

  Growing up with love and a strong will.

  My baby should have a rosy life, you hear,

  Life is real; my honey is godsend, my dear.


  When she was a little girl, full of likability,

  Loved to sing and dance and to do recitation,

  She was really admirable and clever mind was inscrutability.

  From mom, she tasted mother love like the ocean,

  From papa, she enjoyed father love like the bread,

  She was healthy and pretty, and beyond all imagination.

  Fairy voices of her woken fairy primrose to dispread,

  Looked up wild gooses flying south, teams by teams,

  Snow covered small tracks in the lane like bedspread.

  Mom told her, to be under your own steams,

  Papa encouraged her, your uncommon aspirations to steer,

  But, to hold loose or slip over she seems.

  Life is earnest, if you are ready, you hear?

  The chance and luck are waiting for you there.


  When she was a young girl, full of dreams,

  And she made much of time on her way,

  As a buckish butterfly crossed flowers near the streams.

  My heart’s in the forest with nightingale at play,

  My heart’s in the highlands, not in ivory tower,

  My heart’s in the sea, dancing with manic spray.

  Her future was much brighter than this gaudy flower,

  Her wings flied far higher than those brave swallows,

  Though full of great ambitions, abused all her power.

  And after long and cold winter, when spring follows,

  On the sands of time, remained her footsteps there.

  Always says what to do she thinks she knows.

  Life is real, life is earnest, you do hear!

  Learn to be patient and to labor, my dear.


  When she was a married lady, full of roses,

  Love swears submerged her looked like the rough sea,

  Hurry-scurry wore dower to bring all dreams to closes.

  She walked into the happy palace, majestic and free,

  ‘My lass, I love you, as high as heaven,

  Seas run dry and rocks crumble, I could be

  As a lamb, after you constantly I have striven,

  She forgot parents’ tears and their hearts did bleed.

  The smiles express their love was innocent and even?

  But the heavy weight of years cold spirits’ need,

  A sudden accident sheltered warm sunlight like a cloud,

  Final advice of dying dad she paid no heed.

  Life is real, no flowers extended upon her ground,

  Life is earnest except housework and children’s crying sound.


  Now she’s a mid woman, and pursuing her dream,

  Time faded haughty character and changed tender face,

  And catching the train of online made her beam.

  Forgot how many loved her beauty of glad grace,

  Took up books, and carefully read until the dawn,

  Made a living by her and took forward a pace.

  Recalled how many swotted day and night with a yawn,

  Study had her confidences, and forgot food and sleep,

  Hurried away and left kids alone on the lawn.

  Her toil had a good harvest, within the deep

  Of her soul, parents were saying to her ear,

  Never look back, life is to climb a steep.

  Life is real; never stop pursuing goals, you hear,

  Life is earnest; learn to live and to wait, my dear.

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