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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/18 16:16  朗文backpack少儿英语


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  HOST: Hello! It’s time for another Backpack show! Today we’re going to learn about adventures. Right now, let’s start by singing this song.


  Have you ever had an adventure, a thrill like never before? Sure, I’ve had lots and lots of adventures. I’ll be happy to tell you more. Have you ever ridden a mountain bike, and gone up and down on a trail? Yes, I’ve already biked up a mountain, and windsurfed on lakes by sail.

  Have you ever gone up in an airplane, and jumped with a parachute? Yes, I’ve already jumped from an airplane, and I’ve dived in a diving suit.

  Have you ever sailed down a river, or crossed rapids alone on a raft? Yes, I’ve sailed down many wild rivers, and I’ve skied down a mountain and laughed.

  Is there any adventure you wish for, such as circling the world by balloon? Well, I haven’t traveled in space yet, so I’m going to the moon next June!


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