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英文场景对话:Into the future
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/19 14:10  朗文backpack少儿英语


英文场景对话:Into the future
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  HOST: Life in the future will be really exciting. We may live on the moon or even another planet! Scientists are studying this right now. How? Well, let’s watch this story and find out!


  This is Biosphere 2.

  Scientists built this place in the 1980s. They wanted to study the earth’s environment, and learn the best way to build a similar place on the moon and on the planet Mars.

  This is a model of Biosphere 2. It has different kinds of places, of biomes. There’s an ocean, a rain forest, a grassland, a marsh, a desert, a farmland, and a human habitat.

  Today, scientists use Biosphere 2 to study many different things, but not how to build a place to live in on the moon or on Mars.

  This is a model of Biosphere 2. It has different kinds of places, or biomes. There’s an ocean, a rain forest, a grassland, a marsh, a desert, a farmland, and a human habitat.

  Today, scientists use Biosphere 2 to study many different things, but not how to build a place o live in on the moon or on Mars. One important thing they are studying in Biosphere 2 is the change in climate, or weather. They want to learn why the climate is changing.

  And they want to learn how this affects the earth and everything that lives on the earth.

  Scientists say that in the future, people will have o make difficult choices about how they live on our planet.

  What kinds of choices do you think people will have to make?


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