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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/19 14:12  朗文backpack少儿英语


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  Host: Hi! Are you ready for another episode of Backpack? This episode is all about music! I love music. Let’s sing this song about some popular types of music!


  Hey, I’m Dynamite Dan, the DJ man. Here to rap a beat, so you’ll move those feet.

  Let’s here a taste, no time to waste, of what’s in store. Have you heard this before?

  Get down with reggae. What do you say? This Jamaican band is rockin’ the land!

  Now meringue’s the beat. It sounds so sweet! What a happy sound. Let’s turn around.

  Now check this out, ‘cause without a doubt, some good rock and roll will move your soul.

  You dance so well, and I can tell when you do your thing that rhythm is king.


  Grace, Corey, and Jenna are going to take band class next year. And today, they have to choose their musical instruments.

  Corey: Anyone can play the maracas. Have you ever heard the maracas?

  Grace: Yeah. When I listen to salsa music, I hear lots of maracas.

  Jenna: Stop, Corey! That’s too loud.

  Grace: Yeah, Corey. Calm down.

  Corey: The trumpet is cool! People play great jazz with the trumpet.

  Grace: Corey, you have to be careful with these instruments. They are not toys.

  Jenna: That’s the worst trumpet I have ever heard.

  Corey: Don’t worry. I learn quickly.

  Grace: I’d rather play the flute.

  Jenna: That’s wonderful, Grace. Have you ever heard the flute?

  Grace: Year. Last week, when I was watching a Placido Domingo concert on TV, I heard one.

  Corey: I’d rather play a cool instrument like guitar. It’s the coolest.

  Jenny: Oh, well, we don’t have a guitar!

  Corey: No. But we do have an air guitar!

  Grace: Very funny!

  Corey: The air guitar is the coolest and the easiest instrument to play.

  Jenna: The quietest, too.

  Host: Do you know what I think? I think all musical instruments are cool! Well, this is our last Backpack episode for the year. I’ve had fun! I hope that you’ve had fun, too! Have a great vacation! Good bye.


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