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英文场景对话:Our five Senses
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/19 14:19  朗文backpack少儿英语


英文场景对话:Our five Senses
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  HOST: Hello. Today we’re here with Kate and Nick. Hi Kate. Hello Nick.


  HOST: our five senses are sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Kate, what can you see with your eyes? Name some things.

  KATE: Lots of things. I can see flowers, cars, books, animals, and my cat.

  HOST: Okay… how does your cat look?

  KATE: Well, she is small. And she’s brown and white.

  HOST: and how does your cat feel?

  KATE: She feels soft. She has very soft fur.

  HOST: Nick, what can you hear with your ears?

  NICK: I can hear music and TV and animals, too.

  HOST: How does music sound?

  NICK: I listen to rock music. And it’s really loud.

  HOST: Nick, can you describe ice cream?

  NICK: It feels cold and smooth. And it tastes sweet.

  HOST: Kate, how do your favorite things smell?

  KATE: Perfume smells sweet. Pizza smells delicious. And flowers smell wonderful!

  HOST: Yeah, pizza does smell delicious and it tastes delicious, too! I’m hungry!

  Can you describe your favorite things? Today’s Backpack show was fun! I’m glad you were here. Have fun with your five senses and see you next time!


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