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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/23 14:55  江博激情英语

  Iraqi negotiators agree on major constitution sticking point

  At issue: Role of Islam in future government

  Sunday, August 21, 2005; Posted: 1:58 p.m. EDT (17:58 GMT)

  iators have reached agreement on one major roadblock to a new Iraqi constitution and an agreement could be reached on another as soon as tonight, a senior Iraqi official told CNN on Sunday.

  Negotiators clarified the role of Islam in the constitution, said Hachim al-Hassani, speaker of the National Assembly. Al-Hassani said the compromise language called Islam "a main source of legislation" -- wording that he said concerned him and women's rights advocates.

  The idea of federalism -- splitting the country into as many as three separate autonomous regions -- is the other stumbling block delaying a draft constitution. Those issues prompted the National Assembly to extend the August 15 deadline to Monday.

  Al-Hassani expressed optimism, while saying a second deadline extension was possible.

  "We are still hopeful ... that we can work out differences today and will come up with draft tonight probably and present it tomorrow," al-Hassani said.

  On the eve of last week's deadline, Iraqi officials also had said the negotiators were "close to" a deal or, in some cases, had reached a deal.

  The federalism issue hinges on control of Iraq 's oil reserves, which are mostly contained in the Shiite majority south and the Kurdish majority north. Sunni Arabs, who largely live in the oil-devoid central areas, oppose a federalist system that would keep oil profits in the hands of regional governments.

  Some officials said the negotiators are seeking a solution that would keep control of oil revenues in a central government.

  Kurdish leaders, while pushing for autonomy, are shying away from the idea of the right to self-determination, a term that implies independence, not just autonomy.

  Some Shiites, particularly the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq , have come out for an autonomous region in the Shiite south.

  Sunni Arabs and other Shiites, particularly those in the ruling government, oppose strong decentralization, and want a unified Iraq .

  The time set down by the transitional law for a referendum on the document is no later than October 15.



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