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Learning Tips 2--Test Preparation 备考
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/10/18 18:08  新浪英语

  I have a question about the TWE. That is, how do you mark a essay? The full mark is 6. How can I get a 6 in the TWE? Someone told me that when you are marking the essay, you will find the good points and add the marks together, is it right?

  The TWE test is scored by at least two human raters, who compare your essay to a set of "rubrics." Rubrics sounds like a hard word, but it simply means a descriptive "scoring guide," a set of descriptions of the features and characteristics of the writing at each of the 6 levels.

  And so each of the 2 raters is looking for what you CAN do, taking special note of the descriptors in the rubrics. If a rater thinks your essay has the features and characters of a Level 5 essay, he or she will give you a 5. Then, the second rater will do the same thing (without looking at the other rater's score). Your final score will usually be the average of those two scores.

  But the raters do NOT give you so many points for one feature (for example, "accuracy") or so many points for another. Rather, they are making a HOLISTIC judgment, by comparing your whole essay to the whole of the descriptors in the rubrics.

  The test is NOT scored by marking errors and counting them.

  I'm including a link to the website related to TWE scoring, so you can read the official scoring process and scoring guide for yourself:



  It takes time and practice to become a good writer in any language, but I am sure you can do it.



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