前任福总监投身英语教育 秦苏珊新浪英语角开通 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/16 19:23 新浪英语 |
Former TOEFL®director jumps into the sea--of English teaching September 16, 2005 -- With her extensive background in English language teaching and testing, Susan Chyn is "jumping into the sea" of the China English market, and, together with Sina.com, reaching out a helping hand to learners of English at all levels. Susan is pleased to be working with Sina.com to offer this new space for innovative, web-based language learning. "China continues to amaze the world with its economic and cultural growth," Susan notes, "and English-language education is a key contributing factor, allowing Chinese students and professionals to reach higher and higher levels. I've always had a strong "yuanfen" with China, and in this cooperative effort with Sina.com, I'll now be able to reach out to even more people." Sina.com's educational channel has offered a wealth of multi-media English-language resources and communication platforms, by providing chat rooms and links to well-known English providers. But the introduction of Susan at Sina.com constitutes an advancement for Sina.com in that it provides customized English-language content for Chinese learners. "Susan Chyn is well known in English-language circles throughout China, and we are delighted to be working with her. Her knowledge of China and the Chinese language makes it easy for her to understand Sina.com's customer needs. We are especially excited about her innovative workplace English content in The Diamondback Grille." "The Diamondback Grille" is an ongoing "soap-opera-like" story about a multinational company that decides to put one of its restaurants in Shanghai. Sina.com's web friends will be able to gain timely and relevant communication skills through the realistic and often humorous conversations and the bi-lingual notes on language use and culture, In addition to the workplace English page, Susan at Sina.com will feature pages with language-learning strategies, a forum for discussion and questions, and other innovative content tailored specifically toward the Chinese learner. |
前托福总监投身英语教育 秦苏珊新浪英语角开通 |
2005年9月16日,凭借着丰富的英语教学和测试背景,美国教育考试中心前托福考试命题中心主任、托业考试总监、亚太地区业务发展总监苏珊(Susan Chyn)投身中国英语市场,和新浪一起携手,为中国不同水平英语学习者提供帮助。 苏珊很高兴能和新浪一起为广大的英语学习者提供一个有新意的网上语言学习空间。谈到跟新浪的合作,苏珊表示:“中国经济和文化的发展令全世界瞩目,英语教育的发展也是其重要的推动因素。一直以来,我都和中国有很深的缘分,非常高兴这次能与新浪合作,它为我提供了一个接触更多中国人的机会。” 新浪教育频道通过多媒体技术的应用及与众多专业机构的合作,为网友们提供了很丰富的英语教育与学习资源。而苏珊新浪英语角的设立是新浪的一个突破,它是一个完全针对中国英语学习者的全新版块。新浪称“苏珊在中国的英语教学圈子享有盛誉,新浪非常荣幸这次能与之合作。她对中国和中国文化的了解使其更容易了解网友们的需求,尤其是她独创的职场英语《响尾蛇烧烤店》让我们为之兴奋。” 《响尾蛇烧烤店》讲述的是一个跨国公司决定在上海开餐厅的故事,情节环环相扣引人入胜。苏珊更是透过真实幽默的对话,以及有关语言使用和文化的双语注解,使新浪网友能够获得有效沟通的实用技巧。 除了职场英语的版块,苏珊新浪英语角还提供了一些其他特色内容,如:学习语言的策略、论坛以及专门针对中国英语学习者的辅导版块等。怎么样,心动了吗?那就随我们一起进入秦苏珊新浪英语角的奇妙世界吧。 |
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