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Basketball Lingo
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/10/25 14:31  《第一英语》杂志



  Learn some cool basketball terms so you can sound like a professional when you talk about the game!

  学习更多更酷篮球术语,这样你谈起该运动时, 听上去就像一个行家里手!

  hoops n. an American nickname for basketball 美国人对篮球的昵称

  rim n. the edge of the basket 球框

  shoot v. to try to throw the ball into the basket 投篮

  dribble v. to bounce the ball up and down the basketball court 运球

  pump fake to pretend to throw the basket into the ball dunk v. to hit the rim with your hand as you score 灌篮

  lay up running up to the basket and bouncing the ball off the backboard block v. prevent the shot of an opponent 防守

  three pointers to score from outside the 3-point line of the court 三分球

  rebound n. take possession of missed shots 反攻

  fast break to quickly move down the court with the ball in an attempt to score



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