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Hampshire College
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/22 19:17  《第一英语》杂志

  Not excited by a traditional degree in business administration or biology? Well, design your own! Hampshire College has no formal majors. Instead, with guidance from your professors you choose and plan your own course of study.


  Hampshire College started as an idea in 1958 when four college presidents got together to study traditional liberal arts education. What they came up with was a school that encouraged students to explore their own curiosities through “multidisciplinary” learning – meaning you learn about subjects you choose from many different angles. Sure, you could even study video games if you wanted. But don’t be fooled. It doesn’t mean you can just play video games for four years!


  Designing your own major might sound like a lot of work, but it’s a really organized process. When you start as a freshman, you register for classes and have homework just like any other school. But it changes quickly.


  You earn a degree by completing three levels – called “Divisions” – of study. In your first three semesters – Division I – you explore your interests by taking eight different classes. Then you take some time to think about your interests, decide on a study focus (like a major), and develop a study plan.


  If you want to study video games, go ahead! In Division II, you’d explore the subject of video gaming through different classes (maybe computer science or psychology or a sociology class), independent study, internships, and field study.


  Division III is called Advanced Studies. It’s where you take what you’ve learned and apply it, completing a major independent study project. For example, one recent graduate studied whether or not recycled paper causes more printer jams than non-recycled for their Division III project. Interestingly, that student’s findings motivated Hampshire to change their school policy and start using one hundred percent recycled paper!




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