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Alternative Colleges
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/17 20:31  《第一英语》杂志


  For many students, college is four long years of lectures, libraries, and final exams. But it doesn’t have to be! Around the world, you have lots of academic alternatives, like internships for credit and overseas study programs. Moreover, you can choose colleges that are alternatives themselves.


  How about a school that doesn’t give letter grades? Or one where everyone designs their own major? Would you like to earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree while sitting on your couch?


  It’s all possible. Just throw out what you thought you knew about higher education and read on about the world’s “alternative” colleges. Such schools are called alternative because their educational models are different from traditional universities. But they’re really only different in structure. You still have to study hard and you still walk away with a well-earned college degree.


  Here are two examples of alternative college programs: one is Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts, U.S.A. and the Open University, UK.




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