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The Open University.U.K
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/11/15 19:07  《第一英语》杂志

  Some students need an alternative to the four-year, full-time college concept entirely. That’s the reason for the UK’s Open University (OU). The OU pioneered the idea of “distance learning” – studying independently, on your own time, and not in a classroom. Many people who work or have families can’t go to a campus for scheduled classes and can’t study full-time. They need flexibility. So with the OU college comes to you.


  The process is simple. When you sign up for course the university sends you your study materials in the mail. The course material might be a combination of printed texts, CD-ROMs, videos, audio-cassettes, and online information. You’re also assigned a personal tutor.


  In the UK, the Open University has 13 regional centers (and more around the world) where you can meet directly with your tutor or other students for informal study groups. Or you can stay on the couch. It’s up to you. Your tutor marks your assignments and is available by phone, mail, or email to help you along. As you work through your course, you mail in or drop off your assignments and then receive regular assessments and feedback in return.


  If a college degree from a school you never see sounds strange, then consider this: the OU is considered Britain’s largest university with over 200,000 students enrolled. It employs hundreds of highly qualified faculty and has won many awards for the quality of its academic programs. Plus, two hundred thousand people can’t be wrong!


  As the technology develops, the OU has been able to offer more courses entirely over the Internet. No going to the post office, no stopping by a regional center. Everything is done electronically. Now that’s a college couch potato’s dream!


  Similar concepts to the UK’s Open University exist around the world. Just look up “open university” on the Internet.




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