新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 那里有成百上千的人。

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/05 20:09  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  There were hundreds of people there.



  A Did you have a nice walk in Tian’anmen Square?

  A 你在天安门广场散步愉快吗?

  B Yes, I did. It’s so big. There were hundreds of people there.

  B 是的,很愉快。天安门广场那么大。那里有成百上千的人。

  A You should see it when it’s really busy. During the holidays, like New Year, there are usually thousands of people.

  A 当它最热闹的时候你应该去看一看。在节假日,比如说新年。在那里有成千上万的人。

  B It’s such a big space.

  B 那里的空间如此之大。

  A Yes. I think it can hold over a million people.

  A 是的,我想它能容得下100多万人。

  Notes 注释

  1 Again with numbers, you can describe large numbers by using hundreds / hundreds, or thousands / thousands, or millions / millions, e.g.: There were hundreds of people in Tian’anmen Square / There were hundreds of people in Tian’anmen Square: There were thousands at the football match / There were thousands at the football match.

  再来看一下数字的说法,你可以用hundreds / 百, thousands / 千, 或者millions /百万来描述大数字, 例如: There were hundreds of people in Tian’anmen Square / 在天安门广场有成百上千的人: There were thousands at the football match / 有成千上万的人观看足球比赛。

  2 To emphasise something when you are describing it, you can use so / so before the main descriptive adjective: e.g. It’s so big / It’s so big; It’s so hot / It’s so hot; It’s so cool / It’s so cool; It’s so expensive / It’s so expensive.

  要强调你所描述的事物,可以在主要的形容词前加so / 太。例如:It’s so big / 它这么大。; It’s so hot / 天太热了; It’s so cool / 天太冷了; It’s so expensive / 这太贵了。

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  Did you have a nice walk? 你散步愉快吗?

  Yes, I did. 是的,很愉快。

  It’s so big.There were hundreds of people. 它太大了。那里有成百上千的人。

  You should see it when it’s really busy. 当它最热闹的时候你应该去看一看。

  During the holidays, like New Year, there are usually thousands of people. 在节假日,比如说新年。

  It’s such a big space. 在那里有成千上万的人。

  I think it can hold over a million people. 那里的空间如此之大。我想它能容得下100多万人。



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