性别决定药效 阿司匹林药效的确男女有别 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/01/19 13:05 国际在线 |
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The benefits of taking aspirin regularly differs between men and women, reducing the risk of heart attacks in men while reducing the risk of strokes in women, researchers said on Tuesday. A review of six previous studies found regular aspirin use lowered women's risk of suffering a stroke by 17 percent compared to nonusers, while not having any effect on their chances of having a heart attack or of dying from cardiovascular disease. Aspirin's potent benefit for men was to reduce their chances of a heart attack by 32 percent, while having no impact on their risk of stroke or cardiovascular death. "This is good news because many of the past studies of the effect of aspirin in preventing cardiovascular events looked only at men, so physicians were reluctant to prescribe aspirin for women because there was little data," said study author Dr. Jeffrey Berger of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Now, doctors can recommend aspirin to women, though he added that "more research is needed to better understand (gender) differences in cardiovascular responses to aspirin." Overall, women who took low dosages of aspirin had a 12 percent lower risk of suffering a heart event -- either a heart attack, a stroke or death due to cardiovascular disease -- compared to those who did not take it. The drug conferred a 14 percent lower risk to men. Aspirin is frequently recommended for people already suffering from heart disease, but the studies Berger looked at involved a total of 95,456 participants with no prior heart problems. Much of Berger's research on the study published in this week's issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association was done while he was at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York. He cautioned that while aspirin has clear benefits, it also carries the potential risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, and should "never replace other ways of reducing cardiovascular risks, such as eating a proper diet and exercising." Consulting a doctor might head off trouble for the estimated 5 percent of people for whom aspirin could pose problems such as bleeding or an allergic reaction. Routine use of aspirin for an average of 6.4 years led to 2.5 major bleeding events per 1,000 women in the study and 3 events per 1,000 men. |
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性别决定药效 阿司匹林药效的确男女有别 |
药物的疗效会因性别的不同而有所区别吗?至少在服用阿司匹林的问题上,答案是肯定的。美国一项回顾性研究证实,定期服用阿司匹林后,男性和女性所得到的效果是不同的。 据路透社1月18日报道,美国科学家对以前6项相关研究的回顾显示,男性定期服用阿司匹林后,心脏病发作的危险会相应减少;但女性服药后,则是发生中风的危险减少了。 研究发现,跟不吃阿司匹林的女性相比,定期服用这种药的女性发生中风的危险会减少17%。但在心脏病发作或其他心血管疾病方面,服用阿司匹林却不会对女性发病情况产生任何影响。 与此不同的是,阿司匹林会使男性心脏病发作的危险减少32%,但不影响男性发生中风或因患心血管疾病而死亡的风险。 此项研究的负责人、美国北卡罗莱纳州杜克大学的杰弗里·伯杰博士对此表示:“这是一个好消息,因为过去很多关于阿司匹林可预防心血管疾病的研究都集中在男性身上,所以医生们在给女性患者开这种药时总是很勉强,相关的资料非常少。”而现在,在治疗中风时,医生们就可以向女士们推荐这种药了。 但伯杰同时表示,还需要更深入的研究,以便更好地了解阿司匹林对男性和女性心血管疾病作用方面的不同。 从总体上来说,跟不服用阿司匹林的女性相比,那些低剂量服用此药的女性发生心脏问题(心脏病发作、中风或因心血管病而死亡)的危险要少12%;而服用此药的男性同不服用此药的男性相比,前者发生心脏问题的危险要比后者少14%。 报道说,该研究的具体内容发表在本周出版的《美国医学会杂志》上。(文/王高山) |
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