
新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 国际在线 > 奥斯卡最佳影片《撞车》片段在线看(视频)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/09 17:00  国际在线




  For two days in Los Angeles, a racially and economically diverse group of people pursue lives that collide with one another in unexpected ways. These interactions are always interesting, and sometimes quite unsettling. The film explores and challenges your ability to judge books by their covers.

  Movie Script I 电影对白一:

  Boy1: Did you see any white people in there waiting an hour and 32 minutes for a plate of spaghetti? And how many cups of coffee did we get?

  Boy2: You don't drink coffee and I don't want any.

  Boy1: Man, that woman in there poured cup after cup to every single white person around us. But did she even ask you if you wanted any?

  Boy2: We didn't get any coffee that you didn't want and I didn't order and that's evidence of racial discrimination? Did you notice that our waitress was black?

  Boy1: And black women don't think in stereotypes? You tell some, man, when is the last time you met one who didn't think she knew every about your little lazy ass before you even opened your mouth, huh? That waitress sized us up in two seconds. We're black and black people don't tip. So she wasn't gonna waste her time. Somebody like that? Nothing you can do to change their mind.

  Boy2: How much do we leave?

  Boy1: You expect me to pay that kind of service? What? What the fuck is you laughing at, man?

  Rick: I'm seriously starting to think you're jealous of Karen.

  Jean: Hardly. I'd just like to see you get through a meal without calling her or anyone else tonight.

  Rick: Okay, no more phone calls. As a matter of fact, here, you can hold the battery. Okay?

  Jean: Ten bucks says she calls you in the car.

  Boy1: Wait, wait, wait...See what that woman just did? You see that?

  Boy2: Why, she;s cold.

  Boy1: She got colder as soon as she saw us now.

  Boy2: Oh, man, come on, don't start.

  Boy1: Man, look around you, man. You couldn't find a whiter, safer or better-lit part of this city right now. But yet this woman sees two black guys who look like UCLA students, strolling down the sidewalk, and her reaction is blind fear? I mean look at us, Doug, are we dressed like gangbangers? Huh? No. Do we look threatening? No. In fact, if anybody should be scared around here, it's us! We're the only two black faces surrounded by a sea of over-caffeinated white people patrolled by the trigger-happy L.A.P.D. So you tell me, why aren't we scared?

  Boy2: 'Cause we got guns?

  Boy1: You could be right.

  Boy1: Get fuck outta the car!

  Boy2: Gimme the keys! Hurry up! Get down!

  Jean: OK!OK!OK!

  Rick: No, please!

  Boy2: Don't look at me, turn around.

  Rick: OK, we're good, we're fine, just keep moving.


  1. think in stereotypes,用老眼光看待某人某事。

  2. size up,表示“量大小,掂量某人或者某事的分量。

  3. Ten bucks says she calls you in the car. 10美元打赌她会在车上给你电话。

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