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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/11 18:11  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I bike to work everyday.


  A Biking is good for you. It’s great exercise and so easy.

  A 骑自行车对你有好处。它是很好的锻炼而且很容易。

  B Yes, but it can be really busy in Beijing, there’s so much traffic.

  B 是的,但是北京非常繁忙,交通太拥挤。

  A I know. But it’s still better for you than sitting on the bus or in a taxi.

  A 我知道。但是骑自行车总比坐在公共汽车上或者出租车里要好。

  B You’re right. Maybe I should start biking.

  B 你说得对。也许我应该开始骑自行车。

  A Well, I bike to work everyday. It keeps me fit.

  A 哦,我每天骑自行车去上班。它使我保持身材。

  B I know. I think I’ll start biking, too.

  B 我知道。我想我也要开始骑自行车了。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you want to talk about how something is good for you, e.g. biking, you can simply say biking is good for you. / biking is good for you; Fruit and vegetables are good for you. / Fruit and vegetables are good for you. or the opposite Smoking is bad for you. / Smoking is bad for you.

  如果你想说某事对你有好处,比如骑自行车,你可以简单地说:biking is good for you. /骑自行车对你有好处; Fruit and vegetables are good for you./ 水果和蔬菜对你有好处。或者相反的 Smoking is bad for you. / 吸烟对你有害。

  2 You can make suggestions to yourself by using Maybe I should . . . / Maybe I should… e.g. Maybe I should start biking. / Maybe I should start biking.

  提出关于自己的建议可以用Maybe I should . . . / 也许我应该 …例如: Maybe I should start biking. /也许我应该开始骑自行车。

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  Biking is good for you. It’s great exercise and so easy. 骑自行车对你有好处。这是很好的锻炼而且很容易。

  Yes, but it can be really busy in Beijing. There’s so much traffic. 是的,但是北京非常繁忙,交通太拥挤。

  I know. But it’s still better for you than sitting on the bus or in a taxi. 我知道。但是骑自行车总比坐在公共汽车上或者出租车里要好。

  You’re right. Maybe I should start biking. 你说得对。也许我应该开始骑自行车。

  Well, I bike to work everyday. It keeps me fit. I know. I think I’ll start biking, too. 哦,我每天骑自行车去上班。它使我保持身材。我知道。我想我也要开始骑自行车了。



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