新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 今天太热了,什么也做不了

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/13 20:10  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  It’s too hot to do anything.


  A It’s really hot today.

  A 今天真热。

  B Yes, it’s over 30 degrees.

  B 是的,今天超过了30度。

  A I prefer it when it’s cooler. But today’s too hot.

  A 我喜欢凉爽一些的天气。但是今天太热了。

  B With all the traffic, it’s difficult to breathe.

  B 车辆还这么多,简直无法呼吸。

  A I know. Maybe you should take it easy today.

  A 我知道。也许你今天应该放松一下。

  B Yes. I think I’ll have a lazy day. It’s too hot to do anything.

  B 是的。我想今天偷个懒。今天太热了,什么也做不了。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can use really / really to emphasise something, e.g. It’s really hot today. / It’s really hot today; I’m really tired. / I’m really tired.

  你可以用really /确实来强调某事,例如:It’s really hot today. / 今天确实太热了; I’m really tired. / 我真的太累了。

  2 Remember prefer / prefer, e.g. I prefer it when it’s cooler. / I prefer it when it’s cooler; I prefer cool weather to hot weather. / I prefer cool weather to hot weather.

  记住prefer /更喜欢:I prefer it when it’s cooler. / 我更喜欢凉爽的天气; I prefer cool weather to hot weather. / 跟炎热的天气比起来,我更喜欢凉爽的天气。

  3 You can use It’s difficult to . . . / It’s difficult to . . . when you want to describe something which is hard to do, e.g. It’s so hot / It’s so hot; it’s difficult to breathe/ it’s difficult to breathe; For western people, it’s difficult to read Chinese writing. / For western people, it’s difficult to read Chinese writing.

  你可以用It’s difficult to . . . / . . .很难 来描述很难做的事情,例如:It’s so hot / 太热了;it’s difficult to breathe. /连呼吸都很难; For western people, it’s difficult to read Chinese writing. / 对西方人来说,汉字很难读。

  Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

  It’s really hot today. 今天真热。

  Yes, it’s over 30 degrees. 是的,今天超过了30度。

  I prefer it when it’s cooler. But today’s too hot. 我喜欢凉爽一些的天气。但是今天太热了。

  With all the traffic, it’s difficult to breathe. 车辆还这么多,简直无法呼吸。

  I know. Maybe you should take it easy today.  我知道。也许你今天应该放松一下。

  Yes. I think I’ll have a lazy day. 是的。我想今天偷个懒。

  It’s too hot to do anything. 今天太热了,什么也做不了。



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