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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/20 16:40  知行学习网
乐队Frente英文歌Bizarre Love Triangle



  Frente是一支来自澳洲的乐队,却取了一个西班牙文的名字,即英文“Front”的意思乐队主唱Angie Hart拥有一副颠覆传统流行美感的小女孩嗓音,而幼时经历的社会变迁又使她的词曲呈现颇具内涵的情感,乐队的其他成员则呈现出清新又不失艺术气质的民谣乐风。在一片Rock之风下,他们缔造出一些轻和悠扬的歌曲,令人产生一种发自内心的感性、诚实和直接的感觉。“Bizarre Love Triangle”,这该是Frente最好听的歌曲了。

  这支翻唱New Order的歌曲摇身一变非常有accoustic感觉。而主唱Angie Hart 如鸭梨般清甜的嗓音更让该歌曲别有一番韵味。也是电影Threesome的主题曲。Frente曾为 "Thebeautiful south "和 "The crowded house" 作过暖场演出,同时也有两张专辑95年的 "Marvin the album" 和96年的 "SHAPE"。 “Bizarre Love Triangle”是改编自英国新浪潮乐队New Order的原曲,用了完全不同的Acoustic手法。Angie童真般的挚情清唱与乐队的简单吉他伴奏清澈淡然,给人们带来一丝平静。


  Every time i think of you

  I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue

  It's no problem of mine but it's a problem I find

  Living a life that I can't leave behind

  There's no sense in telling me

  The wisdom of a fool won't set you free

  But that's the way that it goes

  And it's what nobody knows

  While every day my confusion grows

  Every time I see you falling

  I get down on my knees and pray

  I'm waiting for that final moment

  You'll say the words that I can't say

  I feel fine and I feel good

  I'm feeling like I never should

  Whenever I get this way, I just don't know what to say

  Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday

  I'm not sure what this could mean

  I don't think you're what you seem

  I do admit to myself

  That if I hurt someone else

  Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be

  Every time I see you falling

  I get down on my knees and pray

  I'm waiting for that final moment

  You'll say the words that I can't say

  Every time I see you falling

  I get down on my knees and pray

  I'm waiting for that final moment

  You'll say the words that I can't say



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