我需要买隐形眼镜 | ||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/26 16:59 北京市民讲外语活动组委会 | ||
I need to get some contact lenses. 我需要买隐形眼镜。 A Do you know a good optician? A 你知道好的眼镜商吗? B Why? What’s the problem? B 什么事?怎么了? A It’s stupid really. I lost my contact lenses. I need to get some new ones. A真笨。我把隐形眼镜弄丢了。我得买副新的。 B That shouldn’t be a problem. I know somewhere good. B 这不成问题。我知道一个好地方。 A Thanks. It’s a real nuisance without them. A 谢谢。没有眼镜真是不方便。 B Don’t worry. We’ll get you sorted. B 别担心。咱们会把问题解决的。 Notes Notes 1 Remember how to ask about a doctor or dentist or optician: Do you know a good optician? / Do you know a good optician? 2 You can ask whether something is wrong by saying: What’s the problem? / What’s the problem; What’s wrong? / What’s wrong?
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