新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 你可以在市场里找到有意思的古董

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/28 19:00  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  You can find interesting antiques in the market.


  A Shall we go to the Panjiayuan market at the weekend?

  A 我们周末去潘家园市场好吗?

  B Good idea! Are you looking for anything special?

  B 好主意!你在找什么特别的东西吗?

  A No, nothing in particular. But it would be good to look at the antiques.

  A 不,没有具体的目标。但是看看古董会很有趣。

  B Well, you can find interesting antiques there.

  B 哦,你能在那里找到有趣的古董。

  A I’ve heard it’s really a good market.

  A 我听说那是一个非常好的市场。

  B Yes, you can find nearly everything there. We’d better go early.

  B 是的,在那里你几乎什么都能找到。咱们最好早点去。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember, another way of starting a suggestion is Shall we . . .? / Shall we … ? e.g. Shall we go to the market this weekend? / Shall we go to the market this weekend?

  记住,提出建议的另一个方法是说Shall we . . . ? /我们…好吗?例如:Shall we go to the market this weekend? /我们周末去市场好吗?

  2 You can ask people what they are looking for when they are shopping by saying: Are you looking for anything special? / Are you looking for anything special?

  你可以这样问某人想买什么:Are you looking for anything special? /你在找什么特别的东西吗?

  3 If someone has told you about something before, you can say: I’ve heard . . ./ I’ve heard … e.g. I’ve heard it’s a good place. / I’ve heard it’s a good place.

  如果某人以前曾经告诉你某事,你可以说:I’ve heard . . ./我听说…例如:I’ve heard it’s a good place. /我听说这是一个好地方。

Key phrases and sentences

Shall we go to the Panjiayuan market at the weekend?

Good idea!

Are you looking for anything special?

No, nothing in particular. But it would be good to look at the antiques.

Well, you can find interesting antiques there.

I’ve heard it’s really a good market.

Yes, you can find nearly everything there.

We’d better go early.












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