新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 有好的中国艺术品陈列馆吗

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/03/29 19:27  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Is there a good gallery for Chinese art?


  A It would be good to see some Chinese art.

  A 我想看看中国艺术品。

  B You mean traditional paintings, or modern art?

  B 你是说传统绘画?还是现代艺术?

  A Both. I’d like to see both. Is there a good gallery for Chinese art?

  A 都有。我都想看看。有好的中国艺术品陈列馆吗?

  B There’re lots of good places – markets, art shops, galleries.

  B 有很多好地方——市场、艺术品商店、陈列馆。

  A Well, let’s go. I’d like to see as much as possible.

  A 那么,咱们去吧。我想尽可能多地看看。

  B OK. Are you interested in buying something?

  B 好的。你有兴趣买点什么吗?

  A Definitely, if the price is OK!

  A 当然,如果价钱合理的话。

  Notes 注释

  1 Another way of starting a suggestion is It would be good to . . . / It would be good to . . . e.g. It would be good to see some Chinese art. / It would be good to see some Chinese art; It would be good to visit Shanghai. / It would be good to visit Shanghai.

  提出建议的另一个方法是说It would be good to . . . /…会不错。例如:It would be good to see some Chinese art. / 看看中国艺术品会很不错; It would be good to visit Shanghai. / 去上海玩玩会不错。

  2 You can ask people to explain themselves by asking You mean . . . ? / You mean . . .? or Do you mean . . .? / Do you mean . . .?

  如果你想让某人对某事做出解释,可以这样问:You mean . . . ? / 你的意思是 . . .? 或者Do you mean . . .? / 你是说 . . .?

  3 You can use the structure as . . . as possible / as . . . as possible in various ways, e.g. as much as possible / as much as possible; as soon as possible / as soon as possible; as fast as possible / as fast as possible.

  你可以用as . . . as possible /尽可能地……这个结构表达各种想法,例如:as much as possible / 尽可能多; as soon as possible / 尽早; as fast as possible / 尽可能地快

Key phrases and sentences

It would be good to see some Chinese art.

You mean traditional paintings, or modern art?

Both.I’d like to see both.

Is there a good gallery for Chinese art?

There’re lots of good places – markets,

art shops, galleries.

Well, let’s go.

I’d like to see as much as possible.

OK.Are you interested in buying something?

Definitely, if the price is OK!














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