我们将在上海待四个晚上 | ||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/06/12 19:43 北京市民讲外语活动组委会 | ||
We’re staying in Shanghai for four nights. 我们将在上海待四个晚上。 A When your wife is here, will you stay in Beijing the whole time? A 当你妻子来时,你们会一直待在北京吗? B Most of the time we’ll be in Beijing, but we’ll also do a short visit to Shanghai. B 大部分的时间我们将在北京。但是我们也将去上海一小段时间。 A That’ll be exciting. I think your wife will see a big difference between the two cities. A 那太棒了!我想你妻子会看到这两个城市有很大不同。 B Yes. I’m sure she will. B 是的,我想她会的。 A And how long will you be in Shanghai? A 你们将在上海待多久? B We’re staying four nights in Shanghai. B 我们将在上海待四个晚上。 Notes 注释 1 You can talk about different lengths of time in various ways, e.g. the whole time / the whole time; all of the time / all of the time; most of the time / most of the time. e.g.: Most of the time we’ll be in Beijing / Most of the time we’ll be in Beijing. 你可以用不同的方法来谈论时间的长短,例如the whole time / 一直; all of the time / 所有的时间; most of the time /大部分时间。 例如: Most of the time we’ll be in Beijing /大部分时间我们将待在北京。 2 When you describe how long you might stay in a place, e.g. on a visit or on a holiday, you can use the number of nights or the number of days, e.g.: We’re staying in Shanghai for four nights / we’re staying in Shanghai for four nights; We visited Beijing for ten days / We visited Beijing for ten days. 当你在描述你在某地可能待多久时,例如:去旅行或者度假,你可以用几天或者几晚,例如We’re staying in Shanghai for four nights / 我们将在上海待四个晚上; We visited Beijing for ten days /我们在北京待了10天。
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