新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 旅馆里的广东餐馆很好

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/07/11 20:28  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  The Cantonese restaurant in the hotel is good.


  A Have you tried the Thai restaurant in your hotel?

  A 你在旅馆里的泰国餐馆吃过饭吗?

  B Yes, it was good. I quite like Thai food.

  B 是的,那里不错。我很喜欢泰国菜。

  A Do you prefer Chinese cuisine?

  A 你更喜欢中国菜吗?

  B Well, I like both. Chinese cuisine is great and Thai food is good too.

  B 哦,两个我都喜欢。中国菜很好,泰国菜也不错。

  A You should also try the Cantonese restaurant in your hotel.

  A 你还应该到旅馆里的广东餐馆去试试。

  B I have! I had dinner there a few days ago. The Cantonese restaurant in the hotel is very good.

  B 我已经去过了!几天前我在那里吃的饭。旅馆里的广东餐馆很好。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you like two things equally, you can use both / both, e.g.: I like both / I like both. Both means two and can be used in many ways; Both my father and mother were born in London / Both my father and mother were born in London.

  如果你对两种事物同样喜欢,你可以用both /两者都,例如:I like both /我两者都喜欢。Both指两个事物,可以用在多种情形下:Both my father and mother were born in London /我父亲和我母亲都出生在伦敦。

  2 Remember how you can use should / should to suggest or recommend something, e.g.: You should try the Cantonese restaurant / You should try the Cantonese restaurant; You should visit the Summer Palace / You should visit the Summer Palace.

  记住你可以用should /应该来提出建议或者推荐某事,例如:You should try the Cantonese restaurant / 你应该试试这家广东餐馆的菜;You should visit the Summer Palace /你应该到颐和园去看看。

  3 Sometimes when you are talking about the past you can describe when exactly by using ago / ago, e.g.: I had dinner there a few days ago / I had dinner there a few days ago; I visited Guangzhou five years ago / I visited Guangzhou five years ago.

  有时在谈论过去的事情时可以ago /...以前来描述那是多久之前的事,例如:I had dinner there a few days ago / I我几天前在那里吃过饭; I visited Guangzhou five years ago /我五年前去过广州。

Key phrases and sentences


Have you tried the Thai restaurant in your hotel?

Yes, it was good.  I quite like Thai food.

Do you prefer Chinese cuisine?

Well, I like both. 

Chinese cuisine is great and Thai food is good too.

You should also try the Cantonese

restaurant in your hotel.

I have!  I had dinner there a few days ago. 

The Cantonese restaurant in the hotel is very good.


















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