新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 如果我是你就到王府井的店看看

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/07/27 18:39  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  If I was you, I’d try the shops in Wangfujing.


  A I’m trying to find a good Chinese medicine shop.

  A 我想找一家好的中药店。

  B Why? What are you looking for?

  B 怎么了?你想要什么?

  A It’s a skin cream for my husband. Someone recommended a traditional cream.

  A 给我丈夫买一种护肤霜。有人向我推荐一种中药护肤霜。

  B If I was you, I’d try the shops in Wangfujing.

  B 如果我是你,我就到王府井的那些店看看。

  A Are they good? Do you think I’ll find it there?

  A 那些店怎么样?你觉得我在那里能买到吗?

  B Yes, there’s two or three traditional medicine shops – and they’re very helpful.

  B 是的,那里有两三家中药店——它们很有帮助。

  Notes 注释

  1 Remember you can use sentences beginning with If . . . / If . . . to give advice, eg If I was you, I would try the shops in Wangfujing / If I was you, I would try the shops in Wangfujing.

  记住你可以用以If . . . / 如果. . .开头的句子来提出建议,例如:If I was you, I would try the shops in Wangfujing /如果我是你,我就到王府井的那些店看看。

  2 A good way of starting many questions is by asking the other person what they think by saying Do you think . . .? / Do you think . . .? eg: Do you think it will rain tomorrow? / Do you think it will rain tomorrow? : Do you think the Thai restaurant is good? / Do you think the Thai restaurant is good?

  问问题的一个好方法是询问别人怎么想,用Do you think . . .? /你认为 . . .? 例如:Do you think it will rain tomorrow? / 你认为明天会下雨吗?: Do you think the Thai restaurant is good? /你认为这家泰国餐馆好吗?

Key phrases and sentences


I’m trying to find a good Chinese medicine shop.

Why?  What are you looking for?

It’s a skin cream for my husband.

Someone recommended a traditional cream.

If I was you, I’d try the shops in


Are they good? 

Do you think I’ll find it there?

Yes, there’s two or three traditional medicine shops – and they’re very helpful.

















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