新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 让我来介绍陈先生

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/08/11 19:02  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Let me introduce Mr Chan.


  A Delighted you could come to Beijing!

  A 很高心你能来北京。

  B Thank you. And I’m delighted I could make it. It’s great to meet you after all this time.

  B 谢谢你。我很高兴我终于来了。这么久之后见到你非常高兴。

  A Well, please have a seat. Can I get you a tea, or coffee, or water?

  A 请坐。我给你拿杯茶、咖啡还是水?

  B Tea would be fine thanks. I’m so glad we can have this meeting today.

  B 茶就行,谢谢。我很高兴今天能彼此见面。

  A Yes. My colleague, Mr Chan, will also join us shortly.

  A 是的。我的同事,陈先生,一会将加入我们。

  B Good. I’ve been looking forward to meeting him.

  B 好。我一直期待着见到他。

  A Here he is. Let me introduce Mr Chan.

  A 他来了。让我来介绍陈先生。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you wish to express that something has taken a long time, you can use the phrase after all this time / after all this time, e.g.It’s good to meet you after all this time / It’s good to meet you after all this time.

  如果你希望表达做某事花费了很长时间,你可以用短语after all this time /这么久之后,例如:It’s good to meet you after all this time /这么久之后见到你非常高兴。

  2 Shortly / shortly means soon / soon,e.g. We will arrive in Beijing shortly,please fasten your seat-belts / We will arrive in Beijing shortly, please fasten your seat-belts.

  Shortly /不久意思是soon /很快,例如:We will arrive in Beijing shortly, please fasten your seat-belts /我们很快将到达北京,请系好你的安全带。

  3 If you are really pleased about something, you can use the more emphatic word delighted / delighted, e.g.I’m delighted to meet you / I’m delighted to meet you.

  如果你对某事非常满意,你可以用更为肯定的词delighted /开心的。例如:I’m delighted to meet you / 见到你很开心。

Key phrases and sentences


Delighted you could come to Beijing!

Thank you.  And I’m delighted I could make it. 

It’s great to meet you after all this time.

Well, please have a seat. 

Can I get you a tea, or coffee, or water?

Tea would be fine thanks. 

I’m so glad we can have this meeting today.

Yes.  My colleague, Mr Chan, will also join us shortly.

Good. I’ve been looking forward to meeting him.

Here he is.  Let me introduce Mr Chan.























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