新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我在美国有两个兄弟

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/09 18:59  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  I’ve got two brothers back in the States.


  A What about your family? Are you a single child?

  A 你的家庭怎么样?你是家里唯一的孩子吗?

  B Me? No, I’ve got two brothers back in the States.

  B 我?不,我在美国有两个兄弟。

  A Are you the youngest or the oldest?

  A 你是最小的还是最大的?

  B I’m in the middle! I’ve got an older brother and a younger brother.

  B 我是中间的。我有一个哥哥和一个弟弟。

  A Three boys! It must have been tough for your parents, bringing up three boys.

  A 三个男孩!对你的父母来说抚养三个男孩一定很不容易。

  B Yes, it probably was. But we were good. We weren’t problems.

  B 是的,很可能是这样。但是我们都是好孩子。我们不惹麻烦。

  Notes 注释

  1 When you are talking about brothers and sisters, you can use older / older; younger / younger, e.g. My older brother is called John / My older brother is called John; My younger brother lives in London / My younger brother lives in London.

  当你谈论兄弟姐妹时,你可以用older / 年长的 ; younger / 年幼的,例如:My older brother is called John /我的哥哥叫约翰; My younger brother lives in London /我的弟弟住在伦敦。

  2 If you are talking about more than two, you use oldest / oldest (or eldest / eldest) ; youngest / youngest, e.g.: I have two brothers older than me, I’m the youngest / I have two brothers older than me, I’m the youngest.

  如果你在谈论两个以上的兄弟姐妹时,用oldest /最大的 (或者 eldest /最大的) ; youngest / 最小的, 例如: I have two brothers older than me, I’m the youngest /我有两个哥哥, 我是最小的。

  3 To bring up children / To bring up children: My parents brought up three children / My parents brought up three children.

  To bring up children /养育孩子:My parents brought up three children /我的父母养育了三个孩子。

Key phrases and sentences


What about your family? 

Are you a single child?

Me?  No, I’ve got two brothers back in the States.

Are you the youngest or the oldest?

I’m in the middle! 

I’ve got an older brother and a younger brother.

Three boys!  It must have been tough for your parents, bringing up three boys.

Yes, it probably was. 

But we were good. 

We weren’t problems.





















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