新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我的父母住在旧金山

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/12 19:46  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  My parents live in San Francisco.


  A So, you are from Los Angeles?

  A 那么,你是洛杉矶人了?

  B No, that’s where my older brother lives now. He’s in Los Angeles. But I’m from San Francisco.

  B 不,那是我的哥哥住的地方。他在洛杉矶。但是我是旧金山人。

  A And that’s where your parents and younger brother live?

  A 你的父母和弟弟住在旧金山?

  B Yes, my parents live in San Francisco. It’s our hometown.

  B 是的, 我的父母住在旧金山。那里是我们的家乡。

  A Los Angeles isn’t too far from there. Your older brother is quite near.

  A 洛杉矶离旧金山不远。你的哥哥离那里很近。

  B Yes, LA and San Francisco are pretty close. It’s not a big trip.

  B 是的, 洛杉矶和旧金山相当近。一小段路程而已。

  Notes 注释

  1 You can often use the word pretty / pretty with another adjective to mean quite / quite, e.g. They are pretty close / They are pretty close; It’s pretty hot today / It’s pretty hot today. If you use it by itself, the meaning is different, e.g. beautiful or good to look at: Behai Park is very pretty / Behai Park is very pretty; She is really pretty / She is really pretty.

  pretty /相当地和其他的形容词连用可以表示quite / 非常,例如They are pretty close /它们离得相当近; It’s pretty hot today / 今天天气相当热。如果你单独使用这个词的话,它的意义就不同了。例如表示漂亮或者好看: Behai Park is very pretty /北海公园非常漂亮; She is really pretty /她长得非常好看。

  2 You can describe the place you were born, even if it is a big city, as your hometown / hometown.

  你可以把你出生地称为你的hometown /家乡,即使它是一个很大的城市。

Key phrases and sentences


So, you are from Los Angeles?

No, that’s where my older brother

lives now.  He’s in Los Angeles.

But I’m from San Francisco.

And that’s where your parents and

younger brother live?

Yes, my parents live in San Francisco. 

It’s our hometown.

Los Angeles isn’t too far from there. 

Your older brother is quite near.

Yes, LA and San Francisco are pretty close. 

It’s not a big trip.









是的, 我的父母住在旧金山。





是的, 洛杉矶和旧金山相当近。




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