新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 北京市民讲外语组委会系列活动 > 我的哥哥工作、生活在落杉矶

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/10/09 19:02  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  My older brother lives and works in Los Angeles.


  A Do you see your brothers often?

  A 你经常能见到你的兄弟吗?

  B Yes, quite often - usually when I go back to the States.

  B 是的,经常——通常我回美国时看他们的。

  A How about your older brother? What does he do?

  A 你的哥哥怎么样?他是做什么工作的?

  B My older brother lives and works in Los Angeles. He’s in business.

  B 我的哥哥工作、生活在落杉矶。他是生意人。

  A Is he married?

  A 他结婚了吗?

  B Yes, he is. He’s got one kid – a baby girl.

  B 是的, 他结婚了。他有一个孩子——一个小女婴。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you answer questions about how often you do something, you can reply using phrases like usually / usually; not often / not often; regularly / regularly; every month / every month. e.g. I see my family often / I see my family often; I usually see them when I go home / I usually see them when I go home.

  如果你要回答关于你做某事的频率的问题,你可以用下面一些词语来回答。像usually / 通常; not often / 不经常;regularly / 定期地; every month / 每个月。例如:I see my family often / 我经常看望我的家人; I usually see them when I go home /我回家的时候通常看望他们。

  2 Remember the phrases: married / married; single / single; divorced / divorced, e.g.: My brother is married / My brother is married; I’m single / I’m single; They are divorced / They are divorced.

  记住下面的词语:married /已婚的; single / 单身的; divorced / 离异的, 例如: My brother is married / 我的哥哥(弟弟)结婚了; I’m single / 我是单身; They are divorced /他们离婚了。

  3 Kids / kids is a very common informal word for children.

  Kids /小孩是常见的表示孩子的非正式用语。

Key phrases and sentences


Do you see your brothers often?

Yes, quite often - usually when I go back to the States.

How about your older brother? 

What does he do?

My older brother lives and works in Los Angeles.

He’s in business.

Is he married?

Yes, he is. 

He’s got one kid – a baby girl.












是的, 他结婚了。




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