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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/12/04 07:24  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Is it difficult to pass the test and get a licence?


  A  Is it difficult to pass the test and get a licence?

  A  通过考试获得驾驶执照难吗?

  B  Yes, it can be quite tough. You don’t always pass the test first time.

  B  是的,会相当不容易。不是每个人都能一次通过考试 。

  A  Do you go to a special driving school for lessons?

  A  你去专门的驾驶学校上课吗?

  B  Yes, and it’s not cheap. But I really want to learn.

  B  是的,而且学费不便宜。但是我确实想去学。

  A  I can understand that. Everybody wants to drive.

  A  我能理解。每个人都想开车。

  B  It would make such a big difference to my life, especially going to work everyday.

  B  学会开车对我的生活将带来很大的变化,尤其是对每天上班来说。


  1  You talk about passing a test / passing a test, whether it’s a test in school or a driving test, e.g.: Is it difficult to pass the driving test? / Is it difficult to pass the driving test?

  你谈论passing a test /通过考试,无论它是学校的考试还是驾驶考试。例如:Is it difficult to pass the driving test? /驾驶考试难通过吗?

  2  You can talk about how tough / tough or hard / hard or difficult / difficult something is, e.g.: The driving test can be quite tough / The driving test can be quite tough; The English test was really hard / The English test was really hard.

  你可以谈论某事tough /难或者hard /不容易或者difficult /困难。例如:The driving test can be quite tough /驾驶考试会相当不容易;The English test was really hard /英语考试真的很难。

Key phrases and sentences


Is it difficult to pass the test and

get a licence?

Yes, it can be quite tough. 

You don’t always pass the test first time. 

Do you go to a special driving

school for lessons?

Yes, and it’s not cheap. 

But I really want to learn.

I can understand that. 

Everybody wants to drive.

It would make such a big

difference to my life, especially

going to work everyday.





















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