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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/12/12 16:34  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in the States.


  A  Another good thing here is that taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in the States.

  A  北京另一个好的方面是出租车比美国的便宜。

  B  Is that true? Do you think so?

  B  真的吗?你这样认为吗?

  A  Yes. I mean comparatively. I know the cost of living and everything is different, but I still think taxis are cheaper here.

  A  是的,相比较而言。我知道生活消费和所有的一切都不同,但是我还是认为这里的出租车便宜一些。

  B  Maybe it’s because there are more here.

  B  可能是因为这里的出则车更多的缘故吧。

  A  Maybe. I also think it’s because they are a bigger part of the overall transport system here. In the States, there are usually more buses and metros or subways.

  A  也许。我也认为这是因为出租车行业是北京交通系统的一个较大的组成部分。在美国,通常有更多的公共汽车和地铁。

  B  Well, I think we need a bigger metro system and more buses here.

  B  哦,我想我们需要一个更发达的地铁系统和更多的公共汽车。


  1  Notice all the comparative phrases, e.g. Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in the States / Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in the States ; There are more taxis here / There are more taxis here ; We need a bigger metro system / We need a bigger metro system.

  注意所有的比较短语,例如Taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in the States /北京的出租车比美国的便宜;There are more taxis here /这里有更多的出租车;We need a bigger metro system /我们需要一个更大的地铁系统。

  2  When you give an opinion about something or a reason for something, you often use because / because, e.g. I think it’s because . . . / I think it’s because . . .

  当你表达对某事的意见或者解释某事的原因时,你经常可以用because/因为,例如I think it’s because . . . /我想这是因为.

  3  The cost of living / the cost of living is a phrase commonly used to describe the general cost of living somewhere, e.g. the price of houses, food, transport and so on, e.g.: The cost of living in Tokyo is very high / The cost of living in Tokyo is very high; Usually the cost of living is lower in the country than in the city / Usually the cost of living in the country is lower than in the city.

  The cost of living /生活消费是一个普遍地用于描述某地的日常消费的短语,例如房价,食物消费,交通费用等等。例如:The cost of living in Tokyo is very high /东京的生活消费水平很高;Usually the cost of living is lower in the country than in the city /通常乡村比城市的生活消费要低。

Key phrases and sentences


Another good thing here is that

taxis are cheaper in Beijing than in

the States.

Is that true?  Do you think so?

Yes.  I mean comparatively. 

I know the cost of living and

everything is different, but I still

think taxis are cheaper here.

Maybe it’s because there are more


Maybe.  I also think it’s because

they are a bigger part of the

overall transport system here. 

In the States, there are usually

more buses and metros or


Well, I think we need a bigger metro system and more buses here.



















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