

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年07月27日 17:07   新浪英语

  cheque book  支票薄

  cheque drawer  支票陈票人

  cheque holder  持票人

  cheque to bearer, bearer cheque  不记名支票

  cheque to order  记名支票, 认人支票

  antedated cheque  到期支票

  postdated cheque  未到期支票

  certified cheque  保付支票

  returned cheque  未获兑现支票,退票

  crossed cheque  横线支票

  general crossing  普通横线

  special crossing  特别横线

  blank cheque  空白支票

  stale cheque  失效支票,过期支票

  open cheque  普通支票

  a cheque for $10,000, less 10% discount  打10%折扣的10000元支票,(即9000元)

  a cheque for $10,000, plus 10% charges  加10%费用的10000元支票,(即11000元)

  to cash a cheque  支票换现金,兑现

  to clear a cheque  清理票款

  to certify a cheque  保证兑现

  to fill up a cheque  填写支票数额

  to cross a cheque  支票上划线

  to make out a cheque  开发支票

  to draw a cheque, to issue a cheque  签发支票,开立支票

  to overdraw a cheque  透支支票

  to endorse a cheque  背书支票

  to pay a cheque, to honour a cheque  请付票款, 清付票款

  to dishonour a cheque  支票退票

  to refuse a cheque  拒付支票

  to stop payment of a cheque  拒付支票

  to present for payment  提示要求付款

  payable to bearer  见票即付持票人

  payable to order  支付指定人

  out of date, stale  已过期, 无效

  R/D, refer to drawer  请给出票人

  I/F, insufficient funds  存款不足

  words and figures differ  文字与数字不一致

  account closed  支票交换时间已过

  alterations require initials  更改处应加盖印章

  effects not cleared  交换时间已过

  payment stopped  停止付款

  cheque mutilated  支票毁损

  to remit, to send money  汇款, 寄钱

  to send a cheque for payment  寄票供取款, 支票支付

  a remitter  寄款人

  a remittee  收款人


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