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2008年02月01日 10:56 竞报
![]() 委内瑞拉银行人质安全获救
1月29日,遭绑架的人质在委内瑞拉瓜里科州阿尔塔格拉西亚城的银行内哭喊呼救。委内瑞拉4名歹徒28日抢劫银行未遂后将几十人劫为人质。与警方对峙一天后,他们于29日释放了部分人质,并驾车挟持5名人质逃离。劫匪驾车逃离几小时后投降。整个事件没有人丧生。 Unidentified hostages stand inside a bank branch in Altagracia de Orituco in the central state of Guarico, January 29, 2008. Venezuelan bank robbers with pistols and a hand-grenade agreed to give up most of their hostages on Tuesday and drive away in an ambulance with a few captives. Venezuelan po-lice then swooped down on the ambulance, arresting all four men and freeing captives. ![]() 吓着我啦!
在美国迈阿密濒危动物协会,一只幼年黑猩猩被游泳池中突然冒出的貘吓了一跳。在该协会,游泳是包括老虎在内的濒危动物的必修课。工作人员介绍说,这只小猩猩很爱玩水,穿救生衣是因为不想弄湿头。 A tapir meets baby orangutan, who loves the water but is wearing a life jacket because he doesn't like getting his head wet at the Institute of Greatly En-dangered and Rare Species, in Miami, Florida. In this Institute, endangered species have been taught to swim. ![]() 唐人街里年味浓
1月29日,在墨西哥首都墨西哥城的唐人街,两名女孩从一家售卖中国年货的店铺内走出。中国春节临近,位于墨西哥城的唐人街一派喜庆气氛。这里售卖的年货,如“中国结”、中国“喜鼠”等同样受到许多当地人的喜爱。 Two girls walk out from a store selling Chinese new year goods in Mexico's Chinatown in Mexico City on Jan. 29, 2008. As Chinese Lunar New Year draws near, many ornaments were arranged to greet the coming festival while lots of locals came here to buy Chinese new year goods like "Chinese Knots".
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